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Media Arts, 02-03-2020 (Q3 Day 3)


  • For the majority of the class, the Warm-Up is to make a to-do list of what needs to be completed today for you to do well on the first project for Q3.
  • If your rubric has not yet been approved, you are out of time. Allowing you to continue to work on the rubric would leave you with less than a week to do a two week project.

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  • Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.

Today's Agenda


  1. Fundraising

    1. We are now up to NINE (9) Raspberry Pi computers for the class!
      1. (Plus two Raspberry Pi computers and three of my old gaming PCs I brought from home, but I'm not counting those.)
    2. Let's try for Raspberry Pi #10! FUNDED!
    3. Let's try to get another camera while we're at it!
  2. Schedule
    1. 02-07: Q3 P1 Due
    2. 02-21: Q3 P2 Due
    3. 03-06: Q3 P3 Due
    4. 03-20: Q3 P4 Due
    5. 04-03: Q4 P1 Due
  3. Pinocchio in Brooklyn
    1. We are in need of a major to use a camera to record tonight's production. You will be expected to arrive by 6:30 wearing all black and be on your best behavior.

Learning Opportunities

  1. Q3 Project 1
    1. Today is a work day for your projects, Make good use of your time.
    2. See the overview from the 25th for more information.
  2. Brooklyn's Pinocchio
    1. Students with no approved rubric will be editing the student recordings of last week's drama production.
    2. Rubric:
      1. 5 pts: Final edit shows the production in its entirety, with the exception of "black out" scene changes and the intermission.
      2. 5 pts: Final edit always makes use of the best audio (Most often from the center stage camera, as it was plugged into the soundboard).
      3. 5 pts: Final Edit makes use of the best video (Camera to the side was often zoomed in on individual performers. Switch to them when needed).
      4. 5 pts: Final Edit audio syncs up with the video used. (Use a multi-track editor and line the clips up with each other before you place the side camera clips above the center camera clips. If you do this BEFORE chopping up the video you can sync everything at once.)
  3. Podcasting: The Media Behind the Arts
    1. Bi-Weekly Schedule
      1. Segment recordings due 01-09. (Note: We will not be critiquing these until after they have been combined into a single recording.)
      2. Final combined edit published 01-17.
      3. Segment recordings due 01-24. (On hold as we recover from the Film Festival.)
    2. Your contribution will be a project grade!
      1. 5 pts: Dialogue is well spoken and free of verbal filler.
      2. 5 pts: Dialogue focuses on the chosen topic and stays within the time requirement.
      3. 5 pts: Audio recording is free of distracting background noise.
      4. 5 pts: Any outside works included are used with permission and cited properly.
    3. Segments
      1. Every Episode
        1. Episode Host
          1. Intro, Outro, & Segment introductions
        2. School News
          1. Sports
          2. Events (Concerts, Dances, etc.)
          3. SGA
        3. Local News
          1. Sources must be cited! (CNN is reporting that...)
        4. World News
          1. Sources must be cited! (CNN is reporting that...)
      2. As needed
        1. (Remember as an audio only format giving advice will be difficult.)
        2. Coding
        3. Inkscape
        4. Title Cards
        5. Computer Basics
        6. Game Design
        7. Video Production
          1. Pre-Production
          2. Production
          3. Post-Production
        8. Bullying
  4. Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)

    1. What progress did you make today on your first Media Arts project of Q3?
      This assignment is not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
    1. 01-24: Refine your rubric draft if it is not already approved.
    2. 01-28: There is no homework tonight.
    3. 01-30: Begin thinking about what you want your Project 2 to look like. You will begin planning your Project 2 rubric on Monday.
    4. 02-03: Write a draft rubric for what you want your Q3 Project 2 to be. It CAN be a video assignment at this point but does not have to be. It WILL need at least four (4) line items but never more than five (5).