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Media Arts, 01-25-2020 (Q2 Day 23)


  • Auditions are tomorrow. What is something you wish someone had told you before auditioning for the Media Arts program?

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  • Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.

Today's Agenda


  1. Fundraising

    1. We are now up to NINE (9) Raspberry Pi computers for the class!
      1. (Plus two Raspberry Pi computers and three of my old gaming PCs I brought from home, but I'm not counting those.)
    2. Let's try for Raspberry Pi #10! FUNDED!
    3. Let's try to get another camera while we're at it!
  2. Grades
    1. I am busy entering grades for Q2 Report Cards.
    2. Please understand that this Quarter I have been responsible for the grades for all of my classes as well as Ms. Jeter's, but I WILL have my final grades published before I go home on Monday.
  3. Schedule
    1. 02-07: Q3 P1 Due
    2. 02-21: Q3 P2 Due
    3. 03-06: Q3 P3 Due
    4. 03-20: Q3 P4 Due
    5. 04-03: Q4 P1 Due

Learning Opportunities

  1. Q3 Project 1
    1. Today is a planning day.
    2. What do you want your first Q3 project to be?
      1. (You were supposed to brainstorm a list for the 1-13 Homework. 9 of you handed something in. This is a good reference document.)
      2. Your first project MAY NOT BE a video. We need some variety.
    3. We have traditionally used rubrics that included 4 requirements that did not leave much room for opinions.
      1. Ex: Video is between 2-5 minutes long.
      2. Ex: Image is portrait (vertical) format, not landscape (horizontal) format.
    4. Pick a non-video project that you feel you can complete in TWO WEEKS (5 class days, roughly) and write up a rubric for it.
    5. Show the rubric to Mr. Smith. He will either approve it or make suggestions.
    6. Once your rubric is approved, get started IMMEDIATELY.
    7. The longer you take to get your project approved, the less time you have for your project.
  2. Podcasting: The Media Behind the Arts
    1. Bi-Weekly Schedule
      1. Segment recordings due 01-09. (Note: We will not be critiquing these until after they have been combined into a single recording.)
      2. Final combined edit published 01-17.
      3. Segment recordings due 01-24. (On hold as we recover from the Film Festival.)
    2. Your contribution will be a project grade!
      1. 5 pts: Dialogue is well spoken and free of verbal filler.
      2. 5 pts: Dialogue focuses on the chosen topic and stays within the time requirement.
      3. 5 pts: Audio recording is free of distracting background noise.
      4. 5 pts: Any outside works included are used with permission and cited properly.
    3. Segments
      1. Every Episode
        1. Episode Host
          1. Intro, Outro, & Segment introductions
        2. School News
          1. Sports
          2. Events (Concerts, Dances, etc.)
          3. SGA
        3. Local News
          1. Sources must be cited! (CNN is reporting that...)
        4. World News
          1. Sources must be cited! (CNN is reporting that...)
      2. As needed
        1. (Remember as an audio only format giving advice will be difficult.)
        2. Coding
        3. Inkscape
        4. Title Cards
        5. Computer Basics
        6. Game Design
        7. Video Production
          1. Pre-Production
          2. Production
          3. Post-Production
        8. Bullying
  3. Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)

    1. If Media Arts' big yearly event wasn't a Film Festival, what WOULD it be? Explain your answer to earn credit.
    1. 01-24: Refine your rubric draft if it is not already approved.