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Media Arts, 01-15-2019 (Q2 Day 20)


  • Submit your homework if you have not already done so, read over your feedback for your Rough Cut 2, and get started on finalizing your Final Cut.

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  • Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.

Today's Agenda


  1. Computers

    1. 3 new Raspberry Pi computers are here!
    2. We are now up to NINE (9) Raspberry Pi computers for the class!
      1. (Plus two Raspberry Pi computers and three of my old gaming PCs I brought from home, but I'm not counting those.)
    3. Let's try for Raspberry Pi #10!
  2.  Schedule
    1. Script/Storyboard (Due November 15th)
    2. Initial Edit (Due December 6th)
    3. Rough Cut 1 (Due December 20th)
    4. Rough Cut 2 (Due January 9th)
    5. Final Cut (Due January 17th)
    6. Foulois Film Festival (January 22nd) (Tentative Date)

Learning Opportunities

  1. Film Festival
    1. Today is a work day. You are expected to make your Final Cut as awesome as possible. (Credits? Title? Individual citations for everything that isn't yours in your video?)
  2. Podcasting: The Media Behind the Arts
    1. Bi-Weekly Schedule
      1. Segment recordings due 01-09. (Note: We will not be critiquing these until after they have been combined into a single recording.)
      2. Final combined edit published 01-17.
      3. Segment recordings due 01-24.
    2. Your contribution will be a project grade!
      1. 5 pts: Dialogue is well spoken and free of verbal filler.
      2. 5 pts: Dialogue focuses on the chosen topic and stays within the time requirement.
      3. 5 pts: Audio recording is free of distracting background noise.
      4. 5 pts: Any outside works included are used with permission and cited properly.
    3. Segments
      1. Every Episode
        1. Episode Host
          1. Intro, Outro, & Segment introductions
        2. School News
          1. Sports
          2. Events (Concerts, Dances, etc.)
          3. SGA
        3. Local News
          1. Sources must be cited! (CNN is reporting that...)
        4. World News
          1. Sources must be cited! (CNN is reporting that...)
      2. As needed
        1. (Remember as an audio only format giving advice will be difficult.)
        2. Coding
        3. Inkscape
        4. Title Cards
        5. Computer Basics
        6. Game Design
        7. Video Production
          1. Pre-Production
          2. Production
          3. Post-Production
        8. Bullying
  3. Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)

    1. What Media Arts activities are you looking forward to for 3rd Quarter? Explain your answer to earn credit.
    1. 01-03: Pick ONE(1) of the podcast segments listed above and write a short (30-60 seconds to read it out loud) script to be included in our first episode.
    2. 01-07: Make progress on your video and/or podcast recording.
    3. 01-09: Complete your two current assignments if you did not do so in class.
    4. 01-13: After the Film Festival our next project will NOT be a video. Brainstorm a list of five(5) things you'd like it to be. For each thing you list, explain why that would be a good fit for a Media Arts lesson.
    5. 01-15: Your sole focus for this class right now should be your Final Cut. Make it as awesome as possible.