- Create a working Share link for your Rough Cut 2 video and post it to Google Classroom.
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- Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.
Today's Agenda
- Computers
- 3 new Raspberry Pi computers are here!
- I am debating what to do next in regards to funding the replacement of the last 6 computers we have that are 11 years old (and one that's @ 6 years old.)
- Schedule
Script/Storyboard (Due November 15th)Initial Edit (Due December 6th)
Rough Cut 1 (Due December 20th)Rough Cut 2 (Due January 9th)
- Final Cut (Due January 17th)
- Foulois Film Festival (January 22nd) (Tentative Date)
Learning Opportunities
- Film Festival
- Today is a critique day. You are expected to critique ALL NINE (9) of the submitted videos, including your own.
- Podcasting: The Media Behind the Arts
- Bi-Weekly Schedule
Segment recordings due 01-09.(Note: We will not be critiquing these until after they have been combined into a single recording.)
- Final combined edit published 01-17.
- Segment recordings due 01-24.
- Your contribution will be a project grade!
- 5 pts: Dialogue is well spoken and free of verbal filler.
- 5 pts: Dialogue focuses on the chosen topic and stays within the time requirement.
- 5 pts: Audio recording is free of distracting background noise.
- 5 pts: Any outside works included are used with permission and cited properly.
- Segments
- Every Episode
- Episode Host
- Intro, Outro, & Segment introductions
- School News
- Sports
- Events (Concerts, Dances, etc.)
- Local News
- Sources must be cited! (CNN is reporting that...)
- World News
- Sources must be cited! (CNN is reporting that...)
- Episode Host
- As needed
- (Remember as an audio only format giving advice will be difficult.)
- Coding
- Inkscape
- Title Cards
- Computer Basics
- Game Design
- Video Production
- Pre-Production
- Production
- Post-Production
- Bullying
- Every Episode
- Bi-Weekly Schedule
- Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)
- How did your work on the Film Festival up to this point help you in regards to your goal for this year? Write your answer on a sticky note and add it to the board in the appropriate spot.
- 01-03: Pick ONE(1) of the podcast segments listed above and write a short (30-60 seconds to read it out loud) script to be included in our first episode.
- 01-07: Make progress on your video and/or podcast recording.
- 01-09: Complete your two current assignments if you did not do so in class.
- 01-13: After the Film Festival our next project will NOT be a video. Brainstorm a list of five(5) things you'd like it to be. For each thing you list, explain why that would be a good fit for a Media Arts lesson.