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Tech Concepts, Smith, 01-10-2020 (Q2 Day 18)


  1. Use the comment option to revise your Rubric Proposal from Wednesday if you need to do so.

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Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work to demonstrate understanding of PGCPS technology rules. (Anchor Standard 1)

Today's Agenda


  1. Computers
    1. I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers.
    2. Over the break, the latest project was funded!
  2. Syllabus Review
  3. Important Dates
    1. 11-12 AUP Quiz
    2. 11-22 Project 1 Due
    3. 12-13 Project 2 Due
    4. 12-19(1-10) Project 3 Due (TODAY!)
    5. 1-10(1-21) Project 4 Due
    6. 1-21 Culminating Activity (Not-A-Final Final)

Learning Opportunities

  1. Project 3 (Due 1-10) (5 class days total) DUE TODAY!
    1. If I have not told you your rubric proposal was approved, DO NOT assume it has been approved. Most were not.
    2. If not, you will be using a program in class called Inkscape to design a school logo.
    3. Rubric:
      1. ► Logo must consist of only the school’s colors. (Blue and White are the school colors. Black counts as a color for this project, don't use it.)
      2. ► Logo background must be transparent.
      3. ► Logo graphic should relate in some way to the school mascot (Falcon).
      4. ► Logo must be saved as both an SVG file and exported as a 600x600 PNG file.
    4. Inkscape Logo Sample Tutorial
    5. Save And Export in Inkscape
    6. Good source for free to use .svg files:
      1. Public Domain Vectors .org
      1. "All my files are gone without a trace" was not a valid excuse before and this will not change moving forward.
  2. Project 4 (Due 1-21, 3 class days total)
    1. If I have not told you your rubric proposal was approved, DO NOT assume it has been approved. As of the time I'm writing this, most were not.
    2. If not, you will be using Google Sheets to create pixel art.
    3. Rubric:
      1. ► Project is a Google Sheet document where all the cells have been resized into squares.
      2. ► Project design is at least twenty-six (26) cells wide (A-Z) and ten (10) cells tall. It may be larger.
      3. ► Project design includes a background and foreground that thematically belong together. (Example: Foreground has a snowman, background is a sky filled with clouds and snowflakes.)
      4. ► Project design includes no fewer than five (5) different colors.
  3. Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)

    1. What has been the hardest part of creating your own rubrics? Explain your answer to earn credit.
    1. 01-02: At this point you have seen many examples of 4-line-item rubrics in this class. Write one up for Project 4.
    2. 01-06: Revise your rubric for re-submission on Wednesday.
    3. 01-08: If needed, revise your rubric for re-submission on Friday. There will be no additional chances to submit a rubric proposal.
    4. 01-10: Complete and hand in your Project 3 by 11:59 tonight if you have not already done so. Have an enjoyable weekend.