- Post your homework from the 9th into Google Classroom.
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Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work to demonstrate understanding of PGCPS technology rules. (Anchor Standard 1)
Today's Agenda
- Computers
- I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers.
- The latest one is here!
- This time I'm trying for three!
- Syllabus Review
- Important Dates
11-12 AUP Quiz11-22 Project 1 Due12-13 Project 2 Due12-19(1-10) Project 3 Due1-10(1-21) Project 4 Due1-21 Culminating Activity (Not-A-Final Final)
Learning Opportunities
- Project 2 (Critique Day!)
- Critiques are an assessment grade.
- Don't critique projects you can't see.
- Critique EVERY project you CAN see. (Including yours!)
- Critiques that do not have meaningful constructive feedback will not be graded. The constructive feedback is the most important part.
- Project 3 (Due 1-10) (5 class days total)
- Rubric might be the one you submitted for the Warm-Up today, if it is of good quality.
- If not, you will be using a program in class called Inkscape to design a school logo.
- Rubric:
- ► Logo must consist of only the school’s colors. (Blue and White are the school colors. Black counts as a color for this project, don't use it.)
- ► Logo background must be transparent.
- ► Logo graphic should relate in some way to the school mascot (Falcon).
- ► Logo must be saved as both an SVG file and exported as a 600x600 PNG file.
- Inkscape Logo Sample Tutorial
- Save And Export in Inkscape
- Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)
- No exit ticket today, focus on your classwork.
- 12-03: List 3-5 ideas for projects you think might work for Project 3.
- 12-05: Pick one of the ideas you brainstormed for today and list 6-8 things you plan to accomplish when working on that project.
- 12-09: Narrow your list assigned on 12-05 down to four specific requirements that can be used as a grading rubric.
- 12-17: No homework tonight.