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Media Arts, 12-10-2019 (Q2 Day 11)


  • The Warm-Up is posted to Google Classroom. You will be voting on podcast segments/topics proposed by the class. (I know it was broken on Friday. It should work now.)

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  • Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.

Today's Agenda


  1. Computers
    1. I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers.
    2. The latest one is here!
    3. This time I'm trying for three!
  2. Concerts
    1.  Piano (I will not be there tonight as I am sick but if you want to help Ms. Pruett has said your support is welcome.)
      1. 12-10-2019
      2. 6:30-7:30
    2. Band/Orchestra/Chorus
      1. 12-12-2019
      2. 7:00-9:00
    3. Students needed to record.
      1. Wear ALL BLACK
      2. Arrive 30 min before curtain time.
  3. Hour of Code
    1. Middle School: Dec 9th, 1st Mod
    2. Intermediate: TBD
    3. Primary: TBD
  4.  Schedule
    1. Script/Storyboard (Due November 15th)
    2. Initial Edit (Due December 6th)
    3. Rough Cut 1 (Due December 20th)
    4. Rough Cut 2 (Due January 9th)
    5. Final Cut (Due January 17th)
    6. Foulois Film Festival (January 22nd) (Tentative Date)

Learning Opportunities

  1. Film Festival
    1. Today is a critique day.
      1. I understand that some of you were having trouble exporting videos on Friday. As I could not be there on Friday and am again out sick today, I will allow videos handed in TODAY DURING CLASS to count.
      2. If you need help, ask a classmate.
      3. If you CAN help, please do.
      4. Today is not an editing or recording day. Just export what you have.
    2. Make a share link of your work-in-progress video and share it using the appropriate assignment in Google Classroom.
      1. If you are unable to create a share link, make a copy of your video and move the copy to your Google Drive folder. Students in the other Media Arts class were having this problem yesterday.
    3. The form for critiques should look very familiar.
    4. The Initial Edit and today's critiques will be on the Progress Report.
  2. Podcasting
    1. Name
      1. The Media Behind the Arts
    2. Schedule
      1. Bi-Weekly
    3. Topics & Segments
      1. Voting today
  3. Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)

    1. No exit ticket today.
    1. 12-10: No homework today unless you haven't finished your critiques. I will be grading them in the morning.