- .What's the best part about how your video will end?
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- Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.
Today's Agenda
- Computers
- I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers.
- The latest one is here!
- This time I'm trying for three!
- Schedule
- Script/Storyboard (Due November 15th)
- Initial Edit (Due December 6th)
- Rough Cut 1 (Due December 20th)
- Rough Cut 2 (Due January 9th)
- Final Cut (Due January 17th)
- Foulois Film Festival (January 22nd) (Tentative Date)
Learning Opportunities
- Film Festival
- Click link for categories/rubric/schedule.
- Final Script/Storyboard due today
- "I'm finished!"
- Ask a classmate to give last minute feedback.
- Classmates WILL be grading your work, make sure in advance that they'll like it.
- Work that's rushed LOOKS rushed. This should have been clear during the first round of script critiques. This is the time to polish it as this is the time you're earning a project grade.
- Begin collecting assets (sound files, images, etc.) you can use. Put citations in a Google Doc for later use.
- Ask a classmate to give last minute feedback.
- Class time can be used for filming starting after next week's critiques.
- Podcasting
- Name
- Schedule
- Topics
- Segments
- Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)
- 11-15: There is an old saying: "Art is never finished, only abandoned." If true, is this a good thing? Explain your answer to earn credit.
- 10-31: Come to class on Monday with a pitch (short description meant to get people interested in something) for your Film Festival project. What will it be about?
- 11-4: Come up with 1-3 possible names for our Foulois podcast. For each of your ideas, explain your reasoning for why it would be a great idea to use that name. We will be voting in class.
- 11-6: Write a rough draft of your script to share with the class on Friday. YOU WILL NOT BE GIVEN TIME IN CLASS TO WRITE YOUR SCRIPT BEFORE WE CRITIQUE IT!
- 11-08: Revise your script and begin work on your storyboard. We will be critiquing again on Wednesday! (Your final draft for script & storyboard will be due on Friday.)
- 11-13: Revise your script and storyboard, taking into account the criticism you received today. What you hand in on Friday will be a project grade.