- Copy your homework into the appropriately titled assignment in Google Classroom BEFORE 2:35. Anything after that is a zero.
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Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work to demonstrate understanding of PGCPS technology rules. (Anchor Standard 1)
Today's Agenda
- Computers
- I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers.
- The latest one is here!
- This time I'm trying for three!
- Syllabus Review
- Important Dates
- 11-12 AUP Quiz
- 11-22 Project 1 Due
- 12-05 Project 2 Due
- 12-19 Project 3 Due
- 1-10 Project 4 Due
- 1-21 Culminating Activity (Not-A-Final Final)
Learning Opportunities
- AUP Quiz
- Posted to Google Classroom.
- Resubmit until you've earned an A.
- Project 1
- ► 25% Project addresses one of the rules found in the following subheadings of Student Rights & Responsibilities, Section 10
- Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs)
- Use of Technology
- Social Media
- ► 25% 2-5 min video TRT or a 4-6 slide Google Slide Presentation.
- ► 25% Video consists of 3 or more camera angles, slide show includes 3 or more images, used with permission.
- ► 25% Video includes sound effects &/or music used with permission, slide show includes transitions between each slide and at least 3 slide element animations.
- ► 25% Project addresses one of the rules found in the following subheadings of Student Rights & Responsibilities, Section 10
- Planning
- Those who fail to plan are in fact planning to fail.
- There is a planning document posted to Google Classroom. You are expected to complete this TODAY, regardless of if you're creating a video or slide show.
- I don't assign busy work. This will be graded.
- Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)
- Why, besides earning a zero, is it a bad idea to hand in last year's work for this year's project? Explain your answer to earn credit.
- 11-7: List 3-5 ideas for projects you think might work in a Technology course. I will be checking your answers when you enter the classroom. Loose papers will not be graded.
- 11-12: Select one of the 3-5 ideas you listed for homework on the 7th and list 6-8 things you plan to accomplish when working on that project. We will have a 1-on-1 in in class discussion about this. on Thursday.