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Tech Concepts, Smith, 11-012-2019 (Q2 Day 2)


  1. Copy your homework into the appropriately titled assignment in Google Classroom BEFORE 2:35. Anything after that is a zero.

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Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work to demonstrate understanding of PGCPS technology rules. (Anchor Standard 1)

Today's Agenda


  1. Computers
    1. I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers.
    2. The latest one is here!
    3. This time I'm trying for three!
  2. Syllabus Review
  3. Important Dates
    1. 11-12 AUP Quiz
    2. 11-22 Project 1 Due
    3. 12-05 Project 2 Due
    4. 12-19 Project 3 Due
    5. 1-10 Project 4 Due
    6. 1-21 Culminating Activity (Not-A-Final Final)

Learning Opportunities

  1. AUP Quiz
    1. Posted to Google Classroom.
    2. Resubmit until you've earned an A.
  2. Project 1
    1. ► 25% Project addresses one of the rules found in the following subheadings of Student Rights & Responsibilities, Section 10
      1. Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs)
      2. Use of Technology
      3. Social Media
    2. ► 25% 2-5 min video TRT or a 4-6 slide Google Slide Presentation.
    3. ► 25% Video consists of 3 or more camera angles, slide show includes 3 or more images, used with permission.
    4. ► 25% Video includes sound effects &/or music used with permission, slide show includes transitions between each slide and at least 3 slide element animations.
  3. Planning
    1. Those who fail to plan are in fact planning to fail.
    2. There is a planning document posted to Google Classroom. You are expected to complete this TODAY, regardless of if you're creating a video or slide show.
    3. I don't assign busy work. This will be graded.
  4. Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)

    1. Why, besides earning a zero, is it a bad idea to hand in last year's work for this year's project? Explain your answer to earn credit.
    1. 11-7: List 3-5 ideas for projects you think  might work in a Technology course. I will be checking your answers when you enter the classroom. Loose papers will not be graded.
    2. 11-12: Select one of the 3-5 ideas you listed for homework on the 7th and list 6-8 things you plan to accomplish when working on that project. We will have a 1-on-1 in in class discussion about this. on Thursday.