- What elements make a good intro for an audio or video segment? Why?
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- Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.
Today's Agenda
- Computers
- I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers.
- The latest one is here!
- This time I'm trying for three!
Learning Opportunities
- Autobiographical Video
- Due in 9 days (including today and weekends)!
- Rubric for our 3rd video, as planned in class:
5 pts Video shows a cohesive, compelling story in 3-5 minutes, TRT. 5 pts Video matches actions portrayed in the storyboard. 5 pts Properly cited music is used, with permission. 5 pts Title Card made during 10-4 classwork is used, credits thematically match the title card. - Production
- On-Site
- Record what you can in class.
- We do have green screens for those who want to use them.
- If you can't record in class, help someone who can.
- Off-Site
- if you are recording outside of the classroom, bring your video to class to edit so you have something to do.
- On-Site
- Post-Production
- You may edit with whatever available tools you think are best, so long as they allow you to adhere to the grading rubric.
- Film Festival Pre-Planning
- Categories:
- Under-a-Minute Challenge (6th grade only!)
- Documentary/Informative
- Feature
- Broadcast
- (Animation?!)
- Think about which category would best help you meet the goal you gave yourself on Day 1 of this class.
- More will be asked of you as we get closer to 2nd Quarter.
- Categories:
- Podcasting
- Haiku Rubric, due TODAY:
5 pts Exported audio is a playable .MP3 file. 5 pts Exported audio contains a haiku poem (5, 7, 5) 5 pts Exported audio includes 3 sound effects that support the haiku without covering the words. 5 pts Exported audio is "clean," free of background noise and verbal filler.
- Have Mr. Smith check your Haiku.
- Record it using Audacity. (Tutorial here)
- Import your sound effects.
- Adjust track volume levels so the sound effects don't cover up the dialogue.
- Export as .MP3 and upload to Google Classroom.
- Haiku Rubric, due TODAY:
- Exit Ticket (Auto-posting to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)
- Use 1-2 sentences to describe your idea for your Film Festival video.
- 10-10: Do whatever you need (script/storyboard changes, b-roll, background shots, etc.) so that when you come to class on Monday you can be as productive as possible.
- 10-14: Find 3 sound effects in the YouTube Audio Library that you think could be combined to tell an interesting story.
- 10-16: Write a haiku that tells the same story as the sounds you selected on 10-14.
- 10-21: Imagine it's your job to introduce the haiku recordings in a podcast. Script what you would say. (Remember introductions should not be too long, but should still explain the "who" and "what."
- 10-23: Brainstorm 5 different plot ideas for the Film Festival. Use a single sentence to describe each.