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CS Discoveries, 10-22-2019 (Day 17)


  • As I hinted on Thursday, a Homework Review has been posted to Google Classroom. As usual, you are ENCOURAGED to use your notes.

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  • Students will be able to:

    • Use CSS properties to change the size, position, and borders of elements.
    • Create a CSS rule-set for the body element that impacts all elements on the page.

Today's Agenda


  1. Computers
    1. I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers, one at a time.
    2. Remember that while I am not here, I DO grade the work.
      1. Stay on task.
      2. There's no reason to wander the room.
      3. There is ZERO reason to use your phone.
      4. No bathroom use before 2:45, after 3:35, or if the single pass is out.

Learning Opportunities

    1. Unit 2, Chapter 2, Lesson 11
      1. Complete Sections 1-13.
        1. I'm grading this. You will not have the option of submitting late or resubmitting lazy work.
      2. New code:
        width: value
        margin: value
        height: value
        border-width: value
        border-style: value
        border-color: value
        border-radius: value;
        background-color: value
        float: value
    2. If you haven't earned a 3/3 on your Lesson 9 Project Guide that is officially YOUR problem.
      1. Do not insist that you couldn't do Lesson 11 because you didn't do Lesson 9.
  2. Exit Ticket (Auto-Posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm)

    1. Which of the five practices (Problem Solving, Persistence, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication) was especially important for completing today's work? Explain your answer to earn credit.
    1. 09-04 to 10-11: Define the following terms on your vocabulary page in your notebook.
      1. Input, Output, Algorithm, Website, Website Content, HTML, HTML Element, HTML Tag, Website Structure, Heading, Digital Footprint, Citation, Copyright, Creative Commons, Intellectual Property, Bug, Comment, Debugging, Indentation, Whitespace, Hyperlink, CSS, CSS Selector, Relevant, Search Engine, Trustworthy and CSS Class
    2. 10-15: Define Embed Code on your vocabulary page in your notebook.
    3. 10-17: Complete anything you didn't get done today, including your Mock-Up Proposal and the rest of 2.10.6-14. Anticipate a Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday.
    4. 10-22: Complete any parts of Lesson 11 that you did not finish in class.