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CS Discoveries, 10-17-2019 (Day 16)


  • Write down as many HTML tags as you can that change how text on your page LOOKS.

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  • Students will be able to:

    • Use CSS selectors to style HTML text elements.
    • Create and link to an external style sheet.
    • Explain the differences between HTML and CSS in both use and syntax.

Today's Agenda


  1. Computers
    1. I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers, one at a time.

Learning Opportunities

    1. 2.10.1 (New code)
      text-decoration: value
      text-align: value
      font-size: value
      font-family: value
      color: value
    2. 2.10.2 (Introduction of style.css)
      1. What changes is this new language making to the page?
      2. How is this language different from HTML?
      3. How are the index.html and style.css files connected?
    3. 2.10.3 (Video)
      1. PLEASE do not use text-decoration: underline on your actual website.
    4. 2.10.4
      1. Find the code in the style sheet (click on "style.css" in the files list) that is making the h1 heading red.
      2. Change the code for the color of the h1 heading from red to a different color.
    5. 2.10.5
      1. Find the CSS rule-set in the style sheet that determines the styles for the h1 tag.
      2. Using the same pattern, write a new CSS rule-set that will determine the style for the h3 tag.
      3. Add code to set a different color for the h3 tags.
    6. 2.10.6 - 2.10.14
      1. Read the directions and complete these on your own.
    7. We will begin 2.11.1 on Tuesday.
  2. Exit Ticket (Auto-Posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm)

    1. Is CSS easier or harder to write than HTML? Explain your answer to earn credit.
    1. 09-04 to 10-11: Define the following terms on your vocabulary page in your notebook.
      1. Input, Output, Algorithm, Website, Website Content, HTML, HTML Element, HTML Tag, Website Structure, Heading, Digital Footprint, Citation, Copyright, Creative Commons, Intellectual Property, Bug, Comment, Debugging, Indentation, Whitespace, Hyperlink, CSS, CSS Selector, Relevant, Search Engine, Trustworthy and CSS Class
    2. 10-15: Define Embed Code on your vocabulary page in your notebook.
    3. 10-17: Complete anything you didn't get done today, including your Mock-Up Proposal and the rest of 2.10.6-14. Anticipate a Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday.