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Media Arts, 10-14-2019 (Q1 Day 15)


  • Make a "to-do" list of the things you intend to complete today for your video. (If you're filming, make a "shot list" of the scenes you intend to film.)

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  • Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.

Today's Agenda


  1. Computers
    1. I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers, one at a time.
  2. Sound Equipment
    1. We have some new things to play with that we WILL be messing with very soon.

Learning Opportunities

  1. Autobiographical Video

    1. Rubric for our 3rd video, as planned in class:
      5 pts Video shows a cohesive, compelling story in 3-5 minutes, TRT.
      5 pts Video matches actions portrayed in the storyboard.
      5 pts Properly cited music is used, with permission.
      5 pts Title Card made during 10-4 classwork is used, credits thematically match the title card.
    2. Production
      1. Once you've corrected your storyboards, you can begin recording.
      2. On-Site
        1. Record what you can in class.
        2. We do have green screens for those who want to use them.
        3. If you can't record in class, help someone who can.
      3. Off-Site
        1. if you are recording outside of the classroom, bring your video to class to edit so you have something to do.
  2. Film Festival Pre-Planning
    1. Categories:
      1. Under-a-Minute Challenge (6th grade only!)
      2. Documentary/Informative
      3. Feature
      4. Broadcast
    2. Think about which category would best help you meet the goal you gave yourself on Day 1 of this class.
    3. More will be asked of you as we get closer to 2nd Quarter.
  3. Podcasting
    1. We have some new equipment to use.
    2. Our Podcasting lessons will be done AT THE SAME TIME AS our video lessons.
  4. Exit Ticket (Auto-posting to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)

    1. What made completing today's "to-do" list easier? What made it harder? explain your answers to earn credit.
    1. 10-10: Do whatever you need (script/storyboard changes, b-roll, background shots, etc.) so that when you come to class on Monday you can be as productive as possible.
    2. 10-14: Find 3 sound effects in the YouTube Audio Library that you think could be combined to tell an interesting story.