- Look over the work you did in class on Friday. What do you like about it? What do you think could be improved?
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- Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.
Today's Agenda
- Computers
- I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers, one at a time.
- Media Day
- Computers
Learning Opportunities
- Autobiographical Video
- Rubric for our 3rd video, as planned in class:
5 pts Video shows a cohesive, compelling story in 3-5 minutes, TRT. 5 pts Video matches actions portrayed in the storyboard. 5 pts Properly cited music is used, with permission. 5 pts Title Card made during 10-4 classwork is used, credits thematically match the title card. - Script/Storyboard critiques on Thursday. Come prepared to share.
- Rubric for our 3rd video, as planned in class:
- Title Card
- We'll be using a free program called Inkscape.
- Returning students: You are expected to provide assistance to the 1st year students today.
- Document properties:
- Minimum HD size: 1280 x 720 (16x9 ratio)
- Checkerboard Background
- Border on top of drawing
- Image:
- Still from video
- Your own art
- Art by others if used w/permission
- Negative Space
- Avoid visible borders
- Text:
- Contrasting colors
- Stroke
- Negative Space
- Exporting
- Save first
- Export/Export bitmap/Export png (Text varies.)
- Export Area = Page (Double & triple check!)
- Check image size! Is it 1280x720?
- Export As = Choose where it will be saved and what it will be called, but DOES NOT EXPORT anything.
- Export = Exports PNG file.
- Title Card Rubric:
5 pts Both SVG and a 1280x720 PNG file are handed in. 5 pts Card has unity (text & visual elements relate, card does not look like a collage) 5 pts Card is free of large areas of empty space. 5 pts Text has a high contrast against the background and is free of spelling/grammatical errors.
- We'll be using a free program called Inkscape.
- Exit Ticket (Auto-posting to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)
- How did today's class feel compared to Friday's class?
- 09-17: Create a storyboard showing a student completing the steps of making a video, starting with the script writing. DO NOT include any dialogue.
- 09-19: Make revisions to your storyboard, taking into account the positive and constructive criticism you collected today.
- 09-23: Find a song in the YouTube Audio Library that both captures the mood of your Silent Film AND is long enough to be playing throughout the finished video, INCLUDING title and credits.
- 09-25: Think about events in your life that you have eagerly wanted to share with others. List three of them that you would be willing to turn into videos.
- 09-30: Your last homework assignment had you brainstorm 3 compelling stories. Draw up 3 title cards in your notebook, one for each story.
- 10-2: Look over your three drafted title cards. Pick the story you think you could most easily translate into video and write a script for it.
Also: Finish any critiques that you did not finish in class. - 10-04: Bring your script and storyboard to class on Tuesday ready to be critiqued for an assessment grade.
- 10-08: No new homework, but bring your script & storyboard on Thursday.