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Media Arts, 09-30-2019 (Q1 Day 10)


  • Create a "to-do" list of what you need to complete to earn an A on the Silent Film. Be specific.

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  • Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.

Today's Agenda


    1. Computers
      1. I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers, one at a time.
    2. Progress Report Window
      1. Opened Today
      2. Grades are published.

Learning Opportunities

  1. Silent Film Due Monday, September 30th
    1. (Also, no school on Friday!)
    1. Rubric, as planned in class:
      5 pts Video shows the process of making a video in 3 minutes or less, TRT.
      5 pts Video matches actions portrayed in the storyboard.
      5 pts Video is silent except for the properly cited music from the YouTube Audio Library.
      5 pts Music supports the actions portrayed in the storyboard.
    2. Using a REVISED storyboard as a guide, record all the shots needed for your silent film.
    3. You may record with your phone (ASK FIRST!), but NOT someone else's phone.
    4. Cameras are available.
    5. You may edit on your phone, but ASK FIRST! You may also edit on any of the working computers in the front of the room.
  2. Exit Ticket (Auto-posting to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)

    1. What is something you learned during this project? Be specific! (Ex: I learned to record. I learned how to record an over the shoulder shot.)
    1. 09-17: Create a storyboard showing a student completing the steps of making a video, starting with the script writing. DO NOT include any dialogue.
    2. 09-19: Make revisions to your storyboard, taking into account the positive and constructive criticism you collected today.
    3. 09-23: Find a song in the YouTube Audio Library that both captures the mood of your Silent Film AND is long enough to be playing throughout the finished video, INCLUDING title and credits.
    4. 09-25: Think about events in your life that you have eagerly wanted to share with others. List three of them that you would be willing to turn into videos.
    5. 09-30: Your last homework assignment had you brainstorm 3 compelling stories. Draw up 3 title cards in your notebook, one for each story.