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CS Discoveries, 09-26-2019 (Day 9)


  • Complete the Warm-Up quiz posted to Google Classroom. PLEASE use your homework to help you, as this will count as a homework grade.

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  • Students will be able to:

    • Use the <ol>, <ul>, and <li> tags to create ordered and unordered lists in an HTML page.
    • Create and name a new HTML page.

Today's Agenda


  1. Computers
    1. I'm working on replacing the 11 year old computers, one at a time.
  2.  Seats
    1. They're assigned. Don't require me to reassign them.
  3. Grades
    1. Notices of Concern are due back Today.

Learning Opportunities

  1. Unplugged
    1. Create a new page in your notebook named "HTML Code."
      1. List all the HTML tags you know so far, and what they do.
      2. You may "show off" if you know tags we've yet to cover.
      3. Compare lists with an elbow partner to see if you've missed any.
    2. Why are we doing this?
      1. Code learned needs to be remembered from one lesson to the next.
      2. Many of you understood heading tags but scored low because you left out needed paragraph tags in Lesson 4.
      3. The <body> and </body> tags are only each used ONCE on a web page. All other content you want viewers to see goes between them.
  2. (via Clever)
    1. Unit 2 Chapter 1 Lesson 6
      1. Sections 1-9
  3. Exit Ticket (Auto-Posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm)

    1. For this question, remember the "5 Practices" are Problem Solving, Persistence, Creativity, Collaboration, & Communication.
      1. Choose one of the five practices in which you believe you demonstrated growth in this lesson. Write something you did that exemplified this practice.
    1. 09-04: Define Input and Output on your vocabulary page in your notebook.
    2. 09-06: Define Algorithm and Website on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    3. 09-10: Define Website Content and HTML on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    4. 09-12: Define HTML Element and HTML Tag on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    5. 09-16: Define Website Structure and Heading on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    6. 09-18: Define Digital Footprint and Citation on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    7. 09-20: Define Copyright and Creative Commons on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    8. 09-24: Define Intellectual Property and Bug on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    9. 09-26: Define Comment and Debugging on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.