- Why are deadlines important? List as many reasons as you can that apply both IN and OUTSIDE of this class.
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- Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.
Today's Agenda
- Rushing to complete a video after the deadline has been extended should not be something you have to do.
- It leads to sloppy recording/editing.
- Important, required details are often missed.
- Returning students:
- There is a certain expectation that you should be able to keep up with a pace that is technically slower than your first year as a major.
- New students:
- We have a lot of ground to cover to prepare you for your Film Festival entry, where I am NOT allowed to help. Deciding to not do work or ignore instruction makes all subsequent classes more difficult for you.
Learning Opportunities
- Silent Film
- Using a REVISED storyboard as a guide, record all the shots needed for your silent film.
- You may record with your phone, but NOT someone else's phone.
- Cameras are available.
- Exit Ticket (Auto-Posted to Google Classroom at 3:40 pm)
- How can you best take advantage of a storyboard to help you finish all of your shots faster?
- 09-17: Create a storyboard showing a student completing the steps of making a video, starting with the script writing. DO NOT include any dialogue.
- 09-19: Make revisions to your storyboard, taking into account the positive and constructive criticism you collected today.
- 09-23: Find a song in the YouTube Audio Library that both captures the mood of your Silent Film AND is long enough to be playing throughout the finished video, INCLUDING title and credits.