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CS Discoveries, 09-20-2019 (Day 7)


  • Complete the Warm-Up quiz posted to Google Classroom. PLEASE use your homework to help you, as this will count as a homework grade.

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  • Students will be able to:

    • Use heading tags to change the appearance of text on a web page.
    • Structure content into headings, subheadings, and paragraphs.

Today's Agenda


  1. Grades
    1. Work that isn't turned in is a zero.
    2. Work that isn't done is a zero.
    3. In, viewing a section will change its color, but that does not mean you've done the work. As the teacher, I WILL check.

Learning Opportunities

    1. Unit 2, Lesson 4: Headings
      1. Parts 1-9
      2. You may seek help from others, BUT...
      3. Remember that if YOU do not do the work, it will be YOU that does not earn a favorable grade.
  2. Exit Ticket (Auto-Posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm)

    1. What was a coding problem that you encountered and solved today? Which of the four steps (Define, Prepare, Try, Reflect) was most useful to you?
    1. 09-04: Define Input and Output on your vocabulary page in your notebook.
    2. 09-06: Define Algorithm and Website on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    3. 09-10: Define Website Content and HTML on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    4. 09-12: Define HTML Element and HTML Tag on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    5. 09-16: Define Website Structure and Heading on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    6. 09-18: Define Digital Footprint and Citation on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    7. 09-18: Define Copyright and Creative Commons on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.