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CS Discoveries, 09-12-2019 (Day 4)


  • WITHOUT using a computer, what do you think are the top 5 most visited web sites?

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  • Students will be able to:

    • Define processing as the work done (possibly by a computer) to turn an input into an output
    • Define an algorithm as the series of commands a computer uses to process information
    • Develop and iteratively improve an algorithm for processing information based on given constraints

Today's Agenda


  1. Notebooks (There will be a check today.)
  2. Computers

Learning Opportunities

  1. Unplugged
    1. Inputs and Outputs
      1. Data going in = input
      2. Data coming out = output
      3. Power is not necessarily data.
      4. The device transferring input or output is an input device or an output device.
      5. USB ports allow the connection of devices to the computers.
    2. Algorithms
      1. Group activity
  2. Online
    1. Web sites
      1. Top 5
      2. Google Classroom Worksheet
  3. Exit Ticket
    1. In this course you will be building a web site. What content do you want your site to have?
    1. 09-04: Define Input and Output on your vocabulary page in your notebook.
    2. 09-06: Define Algorithm and Website on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    3. 09-10: Define Website Content and HTML on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    4. 09-12: Define HTML Element and HTML Tag on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.