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Media Arts, 09-05-2019 (Q1 Day 2)


  • What does it mean to be a storyteller?
  • How do we learn from other stories?
  • How can we tell our own stories?

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  • Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.

Today's Agenda


  1. Notebook Check
  2.  Computers
    1. We're halfway towards getting another computer! WE'RE FUNDED!
      1. I will be creating a new Donors Choose project soon. My goal is to replace 21 computers before the end of the year. This most recent project was computer number 4.
    2. Please be mindful of the other users of these computers.
      1. Do not move headsets to other computers, change desktop images/screensavers, and so on.
    3. Separate accounts might be created for students based on need and behavior.
  3. Google Classroom
    1. If you have not joined this class' Google Classroom, please do so ASAP.
    2. (I've sent invitations to students who were absent on Tuesday.)

Learning Opportunities

  1. Story Time Activity
    1. Rewrite your story from Tuesday
    2. Should take 2-3 minutes to tell. (You may need to add details!)
    3. Practice enunciation and emphasis to make it feel more dramatic.
  2. Film Festival
    1. Under-a-Minute Challenge (6th grade only!)
    2. Documentary/Informative
    3. Feature
    4. Broadcast
    5. 72-Hour Challenge
  3. Copyrights/Trademarks
    1. Don't own it? Don't use it.
    2. If you have permission, CITE SOURCES!
      1. Work name, artist name, license (if applicable), where to find it.
      2. Minimize the hunting someone has to do to check your sources.
    3. Approved sources list
  4. Podcasting
    1. Will be starting when Media Release forms are on file.
  5. Exit Ticket
    1. Why is good storytelling so important?
    1. 09-03: Read the syllabus, bring ONLY the last page back after filling it out.
    2. 09-05: Find something relate-able to your group story on one of the approved sources, then create the appropriate citation for it in your notebook.