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Media Arts, Smith, 5-22-2019 (Q4 Day 18)


  • If we had a Film Festival/Art Show for a media other than videos, what media would you like to see us showcase?

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  • Students will refine and complete artistic work (Anchor Standard 3) to show understanding.

Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up Review
  2. Important Dates:
    1. 5-24: Q4 Project 4 Due
      1. 5-29: Project 4 Critique Day
    1. 6-6: Media Arts Final
    2. 6-7: Q4 Project 5 Due
      1. 6-10: Project 5 Critique Day
    3. 6-14: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!

Guided Instruction

  1. 104 Days until the first day of the 2019-2020 School Year!
  2. 9 A Days (including today) until the last day of THIS school year!
  3. 11th Annual Summer Youth Experience Television Production Camp
    1. For rising 9th graders
    2. Run by one of the teachers who planned the Film Festival
    3. More details in Google Classroom
  4. Independent Work
    1. Q4 Project 4: DUE MAY 24th!
      1. Get started.
      2. Some of you have been engaged in activities that will not be graded. Please rethink these strategies.
    2. Homework/Journal checks
      1. 5-16: List 3 Media Arts projects that ARE NOT videos that you would like to do at some point. List a positive and negative about each project.
      2. 5-20: Write 3 questions for Mr. Smith to answer. Avoid questions that can be answered with a Google search.
    1. 5-22: Write your rubric proposal for your LAST Media Arts project for the 2018-2019 School Year (Not including the Final).