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Media Arts, Smith, 5-20-2019 (Q4 Day 17)


  • What was your favorite graded Media Arts project this year? Why?

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  • Students will refine and complete artistic work (Anchor Standard 3) to show understanding.

Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up Review
  2. Important Dates:
    1. 5-24: Q4 Project 4 Due
      1. 5-29: Project 4 Critique Day
    1. 6-6: Media Arts Final
    2. 6-7: Q4 Project 5 Due
      1. 6-10: Project 5 Critique Day
    3. 6-14: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!

Guided Instruction

  1. 106 Days until the first day of the 2019-2020 School Year!
  2. Independent Work
    1. Grades

      1. SchoolMax has been updated.
    2. Q4 Project 4: DUE MAY 24th!
      1. Get started.
      2. Some of you have been engaged in activities that will not be graded. Please rethink these strategies.
    3. Homework/Journal checks
      1. 5-16: List 3 Media Arts projects that ARE NOT videos that you would like to do at some point. List a positive and negative about each project.
    1. Write 3 questions for Mr. Smith to answer. Avoid questions that can be answered with a Google search.