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Tech Concepts, Smith, 5-17-2019 (Day 14)


  1. Trade your journal for a warm-up worksheet from Mr. Smith so he can do a journal check while you complete today's warm-up activity.

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up
    1. (See above)
  2. Objective
    1. Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work to demonstrate understanding of PGCPS technology rules. (Anchor Standard 1)
  3. Guided Instruction
    1. Important Dates
      1. 5-17: Project 3 Due
        1. 5-21: Project 3 Critique
      2. 5-31: Project 4 Due
        1. 6-3: Project 4 Critique
      3. 6-7: Culminating Activity
        1. 6-11: Culminating Activity Critique
      4. 6-14: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!
  4. Google Classroom
    1. Work that is not in a journal OR uploaded on time to the correct location in Google Classroom WILL NOT BE graded.
  5. Independent Work
    1. Project 3: Due today!
      1. Approved rubrics are here.
      2. Rubric for students whose proposals were unfinished:
        1. Attack of the Clones
          1. GIMP (& Other Image Editors) Crash Course
          2. Clone Yourself With GIMP!
    2. Project 4:
      1. Approved rubrics will be shared here.
        1. If you didn't make a rubric over the past two weeks you have several zeros in SchoolMax, but you have one last chance to submit a proposal.
        2. You will NOT be given the option to revise your rubric today, as we've been revising them for homework over the past two weeks.
      2. If your rubric is not approved, you will be working on the following project:
        1. Interland Review
    3. Homework Review:
        1. 5-3: Write a line item that defines and limits the media for Project 4. It CANNOT BE a slide presentation or video.
          1. Example from Project 2 Rubric:
            ►25%: Work is a video between 3-5 minutes Total Run Time (TRT).
        2. 5-7: Rewrite your homework from 5-3, and add TWO (2) of the rubric line items listed below.
          1. Project includes at least one special effect.
          2. Project showcases work by the student that involves their major.
          3. Project showcases work by the student that involves one of this year's 9 week classes (NOT TECH!)
          4. Project includes at least 3 properly cited sound effects (not songs) taken from the YouTube Audio Library.
          5. Project includes at least 3 properly cited images taken from
        3. 5-9: Rewrite Lines 1-3 of your rubric using the requirements listed above, then add a final fourth line that mandates the topic of your project.
        4. 5-13: Rewrite your rubric for Project 4 ONE LAST TIME, taking into account any constructive feedback that has been given to you. You will NOT earn credit for completing this if you have to work on it in class on Friday!
    1. 5-17: Write 3 technology related questions for Mr. Smith to answer. Ideally, these should be questions that cannot be answered with a simple Google search. (We have Google for Google searches.