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Tech Concepts, Smith, 4-1-2019 (Day 1)


  1. What are your goals for 4th Quarter?

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up
    1. (See above)
  2. Objective
    1. Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work to demonstrate understanding of PGCPS technology rules. (Anchor Standard 1)
  3. Guided Instruction
    1. Syllabus Review
      1. Important Dates
        1. 4-3: AUP Quiz
        2. 4-12: Project 1 Due
          1. 4-23: Project 1 Critique
        3. 4-15 - 4-22: Spring Break
        4. 4-20: Film Festival Voting Closes (
        5. 5-3: Project 2 Due
          1. 5-7: Project 2 Critique
        6. 5-17: Project 3 Due
          1. 5-21: Project 3 Critique
        7. 5-31: Project 4 Due
          1. 6-3: Project 4 Critique
        8. 6-7: Culminating Activity
          1. 6-11: Culminating Activity Critique
        9. 6-14: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!
    2. Rubric Creation
      1. ► 25% Project addresses one of the rules found in the following subheadings of Student Rights & Responsibilities, Section 10
        1. Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs)
        2. Use of Technology
        3. Social Media
      2. ► 25% 2-5 min video TRT or a 4-6 slide Google Slide Presentation.
      3. ► 25% Title & dialogue supports the main idea of the video or presentation.
      4. ► 25% Credits cannot be longer than 30 seconds OR last slide of Google Slide presentation is reserved for works cited.
    3. Google Classroom
      1. Work that is not in a journal OR uploaded on time to the correct location in Google Classroom WILL NOT BE graded.
  4. Independent Work
    1. Begin planning the project we designed today.
    1. In your journal, describe the kind of project you would like to work on after this first assignment.
    2. Return your signed syllabus.