- What are the pros and cons of the "People's Choice" awards for the PGCPS Film Festival?
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- Students will refine and complete artistic work. (Anchor Standard 3) to show understanding of the methods and techniques incorporated in the media of logo creation.
Today's Agenda
- Guided Instruction
- Warm-Up Review
- Important Dates:
- 3-22: Project 4: Interview
- 3-28: End of 3rd Quarter
- 5-8: Film Fest Awards Ceremony (Permission slips due ASAP! Dress nice, pack a lunch!)
- Silkscreen
- Make sure your .png file is shared in the Critique assignment. (Some of you shared SVG files.
- Cut stencils will start coming in next week. Start thinking about bringing in a shirt.
- We will be printing one at a time to not adversely affect our project schedule.
- Film Festival Judging
- http://bit.ly/19FilmFest
- You are allowed to vote once per day per category.
- You are allowed to share this link with others.
- Scoring Rubric
- Power of the Story (15 pts – 75%)Does the film convey a story that is compelling and addresses the theme and/or fits related category? This represents 75% of your score, and you are encouraged to spend plenty of time crafting your script and getting feedback from others.
- Technical Aspects (3 pts – 15%)
The focus here is on meeting basic concerns (appropriate lighting, spoken audio that can be easily understood, balanced volume, etc.). While exceptionally well-produced films do have a small advantage, the key issues are the clarity, creativity, and compelling nature of your story. - Titles and Citations (2 pts – 10%)
Does the film include the use of titles and citations and make it clear for the viewer who is responsible for what is used? Note that if it is unclear that something has been cited (music that isn’t explained in the credits, for example), the film will not be judged.
- Q3 Project 3: Music Video
- Graded
- You have until 3-23 if you wish to resubmit for a higher grade.
- Q3 Project 4: Interview
- Reminder that as the last project of the Quarter this assignment is not eligible for resubmission.
- Rubric:
► 25% Interview is in a non-public place (ex: classroom, home, NOT sidewalk.)
► 25% Interviewees must be real, living people.
► 25% 3-7 people interviewed.
► 25% Interview includes AT LEAST 3 different questions.
- Independent Work
- Homework/Journal checks
- 3-15: List 5 things you want to learn during 4th Quarter
- 3-19: Create a rubric for your next project if you did not complete it in class.
- Q3 Project 4: Interview
- You have been told that you will not be sent out of the room to conduct interviews, but on Monday we brainstormed ideas of things you could work on in class.
- Editing
- Title Cards/Credits
- Music
- You have been told that you will not be sent out of the room to conduct interviews, but on Monday we brainstormed ideas of things you could work on in class.
- Q4 Project 1:
- Create a rubric.
- Get the rubric approved by Mr. Smith
- Begin working towards completing the work required by the rubric.
- Homework/Journal checks
- 3-20: Finish your rubric if you have not already done so.