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Tech Concepts, Smith, 3-6-2019 (Day 12)


  1. How does taking the time to plan save time?

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up
    1. (See above)
  2. Objective
    1. Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work to demonstrate understanding of PGCPS technology rules. (Anchor Standard 1)
  3. Guided Instruction
      1. Project 2: Student Choice Video

        1. Scores posted in Google Classroom on 3-5.
        2. Resubmit for higher grade by 3-15.
      2. Project 3: Sound Effects Video

        1. Rubric:
          ► 25% Video is 1-4 minutes (live action) or 0:30-1 minute (animation), Total Run Time (TRT).
          ► 25% Title & Credits include sound.
          ► 25% Video includes sound effects.
          ► 25% Video includes 1-5 people.
  4. Independent Work
    1. You should be wrapping up your videos this week!
    2. Homework Review:
      1. 3-4: Finish submitting all 14 critiques if you have not already done so.
    1. Complete your storyboard for Project 3.