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Tech Concepts, Smith, 2-26-2019


  1. What is the best movie you've ever seen? Why was it so awesome?

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up
    1. (See above)
  2. Objective
    1. Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work to demonstrate understanding of PGCPS technology rules. (Anchor Standard 1)
  3. Guided Instruction
    1. Google Classroom
      1. Work that is not in a journal OR uploaded to the correct location in Google Classroom WILL NOT BE graded.
      2. Correspondence through Google Classroom will be assumed to be coming from the student.
        1. Parents wishing to contact me may do so by emailing me at
    2. Using work by others
      1. Bottom lines:will be assumed to be coming from the student
        1. Get permission FIRST
        2. Cite your sources
          1. Even if it's public domain, there's no way to check if you don't SAY WHERE YOU GOT IT!
      2. Images:
        1. Sample Citation:
          1. Image Source:
      3. Music:
        1. Sample Citation (Attribution Required):
          1. (This can be copied from the YouTube Audio Library.)
          2. Dvorak Polka by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
        2. Sample Citation (If not labeled "Attribution Required"):
          1. Drop It, by Silent Partner. Downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library
      4. Project 2: Student Choice Video

        1. The majority of the class have decided this new project should involve video.
        2. The laptops we have in the classroom have all had a video editor installed on them.
        3. Rubric:
          ► 25% Video has a soundtrack during the title & credits.
          ► 25% Video is 1-3 minutes total run time (TRT)
          ► 25% Video must include 1-4 characters.
          ► 25% Video must include a close-up, medium shot, and long shot.
      5. Openshot Video Editor
        1. Short Demo
          1. Import
          2. Cut
          3. Export
        2. Tutorials:
          1. Animate a Title Card with Inkscape/Openshot
          2. More to come as needed.
  4. Independent Work
    1. You should be wrapping up your videos this week!
    2. Homework Review:
      1. 2-13: Write a line item for the rubric we'll be building together on Friday.
      2. 2-15: What is something cool about your major that you can work into this new project we designed today?
      3. 2-22: Finish submitting all 13 critiques if you have not already done so.
    1. 2-26: Write 3 things you have learned about video creation since this Quarter started.