- Why is planning so important?
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Today's Agenda
- Warm-Up
- (See above)
- Objective
- Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work to demonstrate understanding of PGCPS technology rules. (Anchor Standard 1)
- Guided Instruction
- Rubric
- ► 25% Project addresses one of the rules found in the following subheadings of Student Rights & Responsibilities, Section 10
- Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs)
- Use of Technology
- Social Media
- ► 25% Project is a 5-15 slide presentation OR 3-5 paragraph report OR 1-2 minute video.
- ► 25% Project includes a title card (or slide) (or page) and credits.
- ► 25% Project includes 1-5 copyrighted works, USED WITH PERMISSION.
- ► 25% Project addresses one of the rules found in the following subheadings of Student Rights & Responsibilities, Section 10
- Google Classroom
- Work that is not in a journal OR uploaded to the correct location in Google Classroom WILL NOT BE graded.
- Correspondence through Google Classroom will be assumed to be coming from the student.
- Parents wishing to contact me may do so by emailing me at aaron.smith@pgcps.org.
- Using work by others
- Bottom lines:will be assumed to be coming from the student
- Get permission FIRST
- Cite your sources
- Even if it's public domain, there's no way to check if you don't SAY WHERE YOU GOT IT!
- Images: https://openclipart.org/
- Sample Citation:
- Image Source: https://openclipart.org/detail/219167/school-works
- Sample Citation:
- Music: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
- Sample Citation (Attribution Required):
- (This can be copied from the YouTube Audio Library.)
Dvorak Polka by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Artist: http://incompetech.com/
- Sample Citation (If not labeled "Attribution Required"):
- Drop It, by Silent Partner. Downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library
- Sample Citation (Attribution Required):
- How common is your password?
- Wikipedia has an updated list.
- Has someone hacked your password?
- All Middle Schoolers will be changing their passwords this month.
- Bottom lines:will be assumed to be coming from the student
- Rubric
- Independent Work
- Continue the project we designed.
- Making a video?
- Script it! Storyboard it! Rehearse it!
- Need to record? You may use your phone or one of our class laptops. (They have front AND back facing cameras!)
- Back your recordings up in Google Drive.
- Need to edit? Use any editor you want, including Kinemaster (iOS & Android) or spark.adobe.com!
- Making a Slide presentation?
- Don't forget the 6x6x6 rule!
- Making a video?
- Homework Review:
- 2-7: Think about the project you want to do next. If you had to convince the class to vote for your idea, how would you do that? If you had to convince Ms. Hogue that you would learn something from this new project, how would you do that?
- 2-11: Storyboard a scene that includes a close-up, medium shot, and a long shot. For each shot, explain why that shot is useful.
- Continue the project we designed.
- 2-13: Write a line item for the rubric we'll be building together on Friday.