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Media Arts, Smith, 2-4-2019


  • Without looking anything up, write a definition for the word "nature."

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  • Students will refine and complete artistic work. (Anchor Standard 3) to show understanding of the methods and techniques incorporated in the media of photography.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. 1-25: In your journal, write 3 questions about Media Arts that you have not been able to answer yourself.
      2. 1-29: Describe 3 ways how something covered in class today can help you take better Nature Photo shots.
      3. 1-31: List 5 things that you think would be harder to "fix in post" with your current skills than it would be to just take another photo.
    3. Q3 Project 1: Nature Photography
      1. Rubric:
        ► 25% 12-20 of your best photos of nature.
        ► 25% Photos are presented in landscape format.
        ► 25% Photos are taken at noticeably different times of day.
        ► 25% Photos include post-processing.
    4. Field Trip

      1. Weather permitting, we're taking a walk around the school.
  2. Independent Work
    1. Homework/Journal checks
    2. Editing
      1. GIMP & Photopea are suggested software.
      2. (Tutorial Video)
    1. 2-4: List three problems you've encountered so far with this project, along with what you did or are planning to do to solve those problems.