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Media Arts, Smith, 1-23-2019


  • How would you define the term "Audience Etiquette?"

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  • Students will ask critical questions that help them refine and complete artistic work.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. 1-16: Storyboard an action sequence with no fewer than three changes in camera angles.
      2. 1-18: What is a change you made between your Rough Cut, Revised and the Final Cut? Why did you make it?
    3. 2019 Film Festival
      1. Midterm
      2. DUE 1-18
      3. Showing is 7pm on January 23rd (Snow Day 1-31)
      4. $5 At the door
        1. Are you ready for your parents to see your video?
        2. Are you ready for your classmates to see your video?
    4. Q3 Project 1
      1. Topics:
        1. NOT a video! (We need a "palate cleanser.")
        2. T-Shirt Design? (6 votes)
        3. Audio Podcast? (6 votes)
        4. Photography? (7 votes)
          1. Nature 5
          2. Landscapes 3
          3. Portraits 4.5
          4. Focal Points 5
          5. Color Theory 4
        5. Music Creation (4 votes)
          1. Commercial Jingle
        6. Coding (1.5 votes)
        7. Other?
      2. Rubric (Look for a form posted to Google Classroom soon!):
        ► 25%
        ► 25%
        ► 25%
        ► 25%

        1. Ideas:
          1. Focal point
          2. Focus
          3. Subject (How do we limit it to Nature Photography with a rubric line item?)
          4. Narrative (Can you tell a story through photos? What kind of story?)
          5. Number of photos
  2. Independent Work
    1. Homework/Journal checks
    2. Film Festival
      1. FINAL CUT, DUE FRIDAY, 1-18!
        1. Midterm Grade
          1. Same rubric as Rough Cut, Revised
          2. Include a comment with the following info for the Film Festival Program:
            1. Movie Title
            2. Movie Category
        2. CRITIQUE DAY!
          1. We will be critiquing ALL the videos for tonight's Film Festival.
            1. The playlist, with 1 min breaks between videos, is 1 hour, 27 seconds.
      2. NPR Podcast Contest
        1. Student planned/recorded/edited
          1. We have a soundboard and fancy microphones we can use for this.
        2. Handed in by a teacher.
        3. More information here
    3. For Your Consideration...
      1. Web based image editor:
      2. Web based audio recorder:
      3. Web based video recorder:
    1. 1-23: Come to tonight's Film Festival in PROPER ATTIRE.