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Media Arts, Smith, 1-10-2019


  • What is the best and worst part about showing your work to your peers?

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  • Students will ask critical questions that help them refine and complete artistic work.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. 1-4: What is a change you made when you revised your Rough Cut? Why did you make it?
      2. 1-8 List 5 ways a story can come to a resolution and end without saying “TO BE CONTINUED…”
    3. 2019 Film Festival
      1. Midterm
      2. DUE 1-18
      3. Showing is 7pm on January 23rd (Snow Day 1-31)
      4. $5 At the door
        1. Email/Text notification will be sent out today!
        2. Are you ready for your parents to see your video?
  2. Independent Work
    1. Homework/Journal checks
    2. Film Festival
      1. FINAL CUT, DUE FRIDAY, 1-18!
        1. Midterm Grade
        2. Film Festival Entry
        3. What you hand in here WILL be shown to the school. How will you show off your skills?
      2. Movie Poster
        1. Still image from movie
        2. Title/Director/Cast
        3. Show Time (Jan 23, 7:00 PM)
      3. NPR Podcast Contest
        1. Student planned/recorded/edited
          1. We have a soundboard and fancy microphones we can use for this.
        2. Handed in by a teacher
        3. More information here
    3. For Your Consideration...
      1. Web based image editor:
      2. Web based audio recorder:
      3. Web based video recorder:
    1. 1-10 Storyboard 3 shots that don’t include characters while still letting the audience know what the video is about.