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Media Arts, Smith, 12-10-2018


  • Why is black clothing the default dress code for everyone not in front of the camera?

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  • Students will ask critical questions that help them refine and complete artistic work.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. 12-06 Storyboard 3 shots including details that hint at future plot points (foreshadowing).
    3. Piano Concert & Winter Concert
      1. Tues 12-11 & Thurs 12-13 respectively
      2. Media Arts Volunteers needed!
        1. Run projector
        2. Record video (distance & close-up)
        3. Wear ALL BLACK!
          1. Standard attire for supporting roles in any performance
    4. Podcast
      1. Audio (or video, though that is less common)
      2. Parts:
        1. Introduction (With background music)
        2. Content Segments
          1. Interviews?
          2. Announcements?
          3. Tutorials?
          4. Commentary?
        3. Outro (With background music)
    5. 2019 Film Festival
      1. Midterm
      2. Showing is on January 23rd (Snow Day 1-31)
          1. Have not changed since 11-27-2018.
          2. Any changes made will be shared here.
    6. Grades
      1. Initial Edit & Critique are in SchoolMax.
      2. Most of you did quite well.
      3. Remember, the Rough Cut is HARDER!
        1. Title/Credits COUNT this time!
        2. Additional line item: "Is this an improvement from the Initial Edit?" (10 pts)
  2. Independent Work
    1. Homework/Journal checks
    2. Film Festival
      1. ROUGH CUT DUE Friday, 12-14!
        1. What changes do you need to make?
          1. New Film Festival Requirements
          2. Title/Credits
          3. Soundtrack
          4. Additional editing (Transitions, etc.)
          5. Self-Criticism
          6. Feedback from peers
        1. What changes do you need to make?
          1. Self-Criticism
          2. Feedback from peers
      3. FINAL CUT, DUE FRIDAY, 1-18!
        1. Midterm Grade
        2. Film Festival Entry
        3. What you hand in here WILL be shown to the school. How will you show off your skills?
    3. Worth investigation (Assuming your Initial Edit is handed in)...
      2. Video: If you are in a shell...
    1.  12-10: List 5 reasons for why shot variety is important in any video.