- List activities that you can do IN CLASS THIS WEEK that will be useful for the projects due this Quarter and the Midterm due at the end.
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- Students will ask critical questions that help them refine and complete artistic work.
Today's Agenda
- Guided Instruction
- Warm-Up Review
- You do not have the luxury of wasting time.
- Homework Review
- 11-19: List 5 ways media has changed since your parents were kids. Explain why each of these is a good (or bad) change.
- Warm-Up Review
- 2019 Film Festival
- Midterm
- Showing is on January 23rd (Snow Day 1-31)
- Category requirements have been posted on Google Classroom in the Animatic assignment.
- Categories will likely change this year.
Silent Film- Replacement categories unknown (Animation? Music Video?)
- I find out more tomorrow after school.
- Categories will likely change this year.
- Initial Edit
- Due November 30
- Minimal editing
- Record all the scenes as best you can
- Use animatic as a guide
- Use stand-ins if needed, refinement happens with the Rough Cut projects.
- Film Festival Rubric used for assessment.
- Rough Cut
- Due December 14
- Stand-ins from initial edit replaced
- Criticism from initial edit applied to this version
- Title/credits added
- Soundtrack
- Transitions AS NEEDED (Not always needed)
- Film Festival Rubric used for assessment.
- Independent Work
- Homework/Journal checks
- Film Festival
- INITIAL EDIT DUE Friday, 11-30!
- (This due date is going to arrive faster than you think thanks to Thanksgiving Break! Plan accordingly!)
- If you can't answer the question "How are you going to get a grade for what you're doing in class?" then you are off task.
- The students that waited until the last minute for the Animatic could have finished much earlier with assignments that did not look rushed.
- Demonstrate what you learned from that experience.
- Pre-Production
- Script
- You should have a script already completed.
- If you needed to make revisions, those should also be done by now.
- Storyboard
- Again, you should have already done this for the animatic, and you've had enough time to make revisions after getting constructive criticism from your Animatic.
Title Card(This is post-production!)Soundtrack(Technically not part of pre-production except in rare cases. Get your script done first!)Anything involving Inkscape(Drawing your storyboard is faster than anything you can do in this program, assuming you're doing it correctly.)
- Script
- Production
- Initial Edit
- Record each scene
- Camera angles
- Timing
- Dialogue
- NOT AS IMPORTANT (But still good if you have it done early):
- Soundtrack (Post-Production)
- Credits (Post-Production)
- Special effects (Post-Production)
- Exact cast that will be in the Rough Cut
- Exact scenes that will be in the Rough Cut
- Initial Edit
- INITIAL EDIT DUE Friday, 11-30!
- Worth investigation (Assuming your Initial Edit is handed in)...
- 11-26 Storyboard 3 panning shots where something is revealed that changes the story.