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Media Arts, Smith, 11-26-2018


  • List activities that you can do IN CLASS THIS WEEK that will be useful for the projects due this Quarter and the Midterm due at the end.

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  • Students will ask critical questions that help them refine and complete artistic work.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
      1. You do not have the luxury of wasting time.
    2. Homework Review
      1. 11-19: List 5 ways media has changed since your parents were kids. Explain why each of these is a good (or bad) change.
  2. 2019 Film Festival
    1. Midterm
    2. Showing is on January 23rd (Snow Day 1-31)
    3. Category requirements have been posted on Google Classroom in the Animatic assignment.
      1. Categories will likely change this year.
        1. Silent Film
        2. Replacement categories unknown (Animation? Music Video?)
        3. I find out more tomorrow after school.
  3. Initial Edit
    1. Due November 30
    2. Minimal editing
    3. Record all the scenes as best you can
    4. Use animatic as a guide
    5. Use stand-ins if needed, refinement happens with the Rough Cut projects.
    6. Film Festival Rubric used for assessment.
  4. Rough Cut
    1. Due December 14
    2. Stand-ins from initial edit replaced
    3. Criticism from initial edit applied to this version
    4. Title/credits added
    5. Soundtrack
    6. Transitions AS NEEDED (Not always needed)
    7. Film Festival Rubric used for assessment.
  5. Independent Work
    1. Homework/Journal checks
    2. Film Festival
      1. INITIAL EDIT DUE Friday, 11-30!
        1. (This due date is going to arrive faster than you think thanks to Thanksgiving Break! Plan accordingly!)
        2. If you can't answer the question "How are you going to get a grade for what you're doing in class?" then you are off task.
          1. The students that waited until the last minute for the Animatic could have finished much earlier with assignments that did not look rushed.
          2. Demonstrate what you learned from that experience.
        3. Pre-Production
          1. Script
            1. You should have a script already completed.
            2. If you needed to make revisions, those should also be done by now.
          2. Storyboard
            1. Again, you should have already done this for the animatic, and you've had enough time to make revisions after getting constructive criticism from your Animatic.
          3. Title Card (This is post-production!)
          4. Soundtrack (Technically not part of pre-production except in rare cases. Get your script done first!)
          5. Anything involving Inkscape (Drawing your storyboard is faster than anything you can do in this program, assuming you're doing it correctly.)
        4. Production
          1. Initial Edit
            1. Record each scene
            2. IMPORTANT:
              1. Camera angles
              2. Timing
              3. Dialogue
            3. NOT AS IMPORTANT (But still good if you have it done early):
              1. Soundtrack (Post-Production)
              2. Credits (Post-Production)
              3. Special effects (Post-Production)
              4. Exact cast that will be in the Rough Cut
              5. Exact scenes that will be in the Rough Cut
    3. Worth investigation (Assuming your Initial Edit is handed in)...
      2. Video: If you are in a shell...
    1. 11-26 Storyboard 3 panning shots where something is revealed that changes the story.