- What's the hard part about giving constructive criticism? How can it be made easier?
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Today's Agenda
- Warm-Up
- (See above)
- Homework Review
- 11-16 How will the project we planned today be useful to you after Q2 has ended?
- Objective
Students will apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. (Anchor Standard 9)
- Guided Instruction
- Project: Policies & Procedures Review
- Critique Day!
- Critique form shared via Google Classroom
- ONLY work handed in via Google Classroom will be critiqued.
- You are allowed & encouraged to critique your own project.
- Each critique has 3 parts:
- Score
- Point choices are limited to avoid nitpicking.
- 25 points: Completed rubric item.
- 15 points: Attempted to complete rubric item, came close.
- 5 points: Little evidence that rubric item was attempted.
- You CANNOT give a zero.
- Point choices are limited to avoid nitpicking.
- Positive Criticism
- GOOD: "I liked how the camera zoomed in on the character's face to show their reaction."
- NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: "I liked the camera work."
- Constructive Criticism
- GOOD: "The text might be easier to read with a darker background behind the bright text that you used."
- NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: "Fix the colors."
- Score
- 1 point per completed (score, good positive & constructive criticism) critique.
- -1 point for completing a critique for a project that was not presented or handed in. (Academic Dishonesty)
- Critiques will be anonymized and shared with the project creators.
- Critique Day!
- Project 2: Photo Slideshow Video
- Rubric
► 25% Video is 3-4 minutes TRT (Total Run Time).
► 25% Video includes photographs that have been taken with permission.
► 25% Video includes Long Shots, Close Ups, and Medium Shots.
► 25% Video includes at least one headshot. - Planning
- How will this project have meaning FOR YOU?
- What images will best support this meaning?
- LIST them. You have 3 1/2 minutes to fill.
- How do you plan to take these photos?
- Headshots
- We will discuss this in more detail next week.
- Vocabulary
- Aperture (f-stop)
- Shutter Speed
- Depth of Field
- Macro
- Three Point Lighting
- Reflector
- Diffuser
- Portrait
- Landscape
- Rubric
- Project: Policies & Procedures Review
- Independent Work
- Quiz
- SchoolMax has been updated.
- Only one student still needs to take the quiz, please complete it today.
- Begin work on your project for next week.
- Pre-Production
- Research
- Planning
- Production
- You will not reach this stage today.
- Post-Production
- No requirement as to which programs you use to edit video.
- FREE editing software exists for phones.
- Free web based editing from Adobe: https://spark.adobe.com/
- Pre-Production
- Quiz
- 11-20 List 10 story-worthy things that occur in your major that could be shown through a series of photos.