- If you had the time to start this project over, what would you do differently? What would stay the same? Explain your answers.
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Today's Agenda
- Warm-Up
- (See above)
- Homework Review
- 11-13 What should the next project be about? What would at least one of the line items on the rubric say?
- Objective
Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 1) to show understanding of the PGCPS Technology Policies.
- Guided Instruction
- Project: Policies & Procedures Review
- Student Rights & Responsibilities, Section 10
- Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs)
- Use of Technology
- Social Media
- Rubric
► 25% Project addresses at least one of the rules regarding personal electronic devices, use of technology, and/or social media as found in the Student Handbook.*
►25% Project incorporates the media of the student's major.
►25% Project is a 5-7 slide Google Slides presentation OR a 2-3 minute video. [Class Choice]
►25% All included text is legible (easy to read) and free from grammar and spelling errors.
*Don't copy/paste! Use your own words! - Handing in your work
- Everything digital belongs in Google Classroom
- Classwork Tab
- View Asignment
- Paperclip to upload file, Drive icon to add something already in Google Drive
- It should change to "Turn In" once you've added something.
- If you see a blue button, you aren't done handing it in.
- There is a Google Classroom app you can use.
- Make sure you're on the school wi-fi so you get faster upload speeds.
- Everything digital belongs in Google Classroom
- Student Rights & Responsibilities, Section 10
- Project 2: Photo Slideshow Video
- Rubric
► 25% Video is 3-4 minutes TRT (Total Run Time).
► 25% Video includes photographs that have been taken with permission.
► 25% Video includes Long Shots, Close Ups, and Medium Shots.
► 25% Video includes at least one headshot.
- Rubric
- Project: Policies & Procedures Review
- Independent Work
- Quiz
- SchoolMax has been updated.
- Only one student still needs to take the quiz, please complete it today.
- Begin work on your project for next week.
- Pre-Production
- This should be done by now.
- Production
- Need art for your Google Slides?
- Many of you were using OpenClipArt.org as a resource.
- Don't get bogged down in the details!
- If it doesn't help your presentation, it doesn't need to be in your presentation.
- iPhones
- Trademarked Social Media Icons
- Anime Characters
- If it doesn't help your presentation, it doesn't need to be in your presentation.
- Ready to record your video?
- Recording in the hall is OK, but...
- If I can't see you from the doorway or talk to you without shouting from the doorway, you don't have permission to be there.
- Remember we are close to several other classes that should not be disrupted.
- Need art for your Google Slides?
- Post-Production
- No requirement as to which programs you use to edit video.
- FREE editing software exists for phones.
- Free web based editing from Adobe: https://spark.adobe.com/
- Pre-Production
- Quiz
- How will the project we planned today be useful to you after Q2 has ended?