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Media Arts, Smith, 11-01-2018


  • What will you do to make 2nd Quarter better than 1st Quarter?
    • (This does not imply 1st Quarter has been bad. There is always room for improvement.)

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  • Students will ask critical questions that help them refine and complete artistic work.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. In your journal, list 10 "hooks" for "social justice" stories that could be turned into videos.
        1. We will go over this and tonight's homework on Monday.
    3. Media Day
      1. Friday, November 16
  2. "Spooky" Video
    1. Grades are in SchoolMax.
    2. Positive & Constructive Criticisms will be in Google Classroom soon.
    3. As previously stated, this project is not eligible for re-submission due to its proximity to the end of the Quarter.
  3. 2019 Film Festival
    1. Midterm
    2. Showing is on January 23rd (Snow Day 1-31)
    3. Category requirements have been posted on Google Classroom in the Animatic assignment.
      1. Categories will likely change this year.
        1. Silent Film
        2. Replacement categories unknown (Animation? Music Video?)
  4. Film Festival Animatic
    1. First project of 2nd Quarter
    2. Photographed storyboard panels turned into a video with audio added.
    3. Film Festival Rubric used for assessment.
  5. Independent Work
    1. Homework/Journal checks
    2. Film Festival Pre-Production
      1. Script
        1. I have not seen a finished script from any of you so I assume you have a lot to finish.
      2. Storyboard
        1. As I have not seen any scripts I assume you have not started this yet.
        2. Remember this is where the largest portion of your work for the animatic will take place.
      3. Title Card (This is post-production!)
      4. Soundtrack (Technically not part of pre-production except in rare cases. Get your script done first!)
    1. In your journal, storyboard three (3) distinctly different shots that include no characters, but still convey strong emotions.