- What will you do to make 2nd Quarter better than 1st Quarter?
- (This does not imply 1st Quarter has been bad. There is always room for improvement.)
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- Students will ask critical questions that help them refine and complete artistic work.
Today's Agenda
- Guided Instruction
- Warm-Up Review
- Homework Review
- In your journal, list 10 "hooks" for "social justice" stories that could be turned into videos.
- We will go over this and tonight's homework on Monday.
- In your journal, list 10 "hooks" for "social justice" stories that could be turned into videos.
- Media Day
- Friday, November 16
- "Spooky" Video
- Grades are in SchoolMax.
- Positive & Constructive Criticisms will be in Google Classroom soon.
- As previously stated, this project is not eligible for re-submission due to its proximity to the end of the Quarter.
- 2019 Film Festival
- Midterm
- Showing is on January 23rd (Snow Day 1-31)
- Category requirements have been posted on Google Classroom in the Animatic assignment.
- Categories will likely change this year.
Silent Film- Replacement categories unknown (Animation? Music Video?)
- Categories will likely change this year.
- Film Festival Animatic
- First project of 2nd Quarter
- Photographed storyboard panels turned into a video with audio added.
- Film Festival Rubric used for assessment.
- Independent Work
- Homework/Journal checks
- Film Festival Pre-Production
- Script
- I have not seen a finished script from any of you so I assume you have a lot to finish.
- Storyboard
- As I have not seen any scripts I assume you have not started this yet.
- Remember this is where the largest portion of your work for the animatic will take place.
Title Card(This is post-production!)Soundtrack(Technically not part of pre-production except in rare cases. Get your script done first!)
- Script
- In your journal, storyboard three (3) distinctly different shots that include no characters, but still convey strong emotions.