Mr. Smith and Ms. Jeter have graded your scripts. You can see your grades and comments once you log in.
- PGCPS Gmail Login.
- Today is not about checking your email, though. Remember to use the "waffle."
- Shot # Column
- Consecutive numbers. 1, 2, 3, etc.
- Video Column
- What the audience will SEE.
- _________ shot of _____________________
- Extreme Close Up
- Close Up
- Medium Shot
- Long Shot
- Extreme Long Shot
- Establishing Shot
- Audio Column
- What the audience will HEAR.
- Narrator: Here at Foulois, one of our core expectations is perseverance.
- Revised Script Rubric:
25% ► Script contains enough dialogue to fill a video that is 30 seconds Total Run Time (TRT).
25% ► Script is for a Public Service Announcement (PSA).
25% ► Main idea is supported with shot types and blocking.
25% ► Script is relatively free of grammar and spelling errors.