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Media Arts, Smith, 10-22-2018


  • Why is "waiting until the last minute" a dangerous strategy? What are some difficulties that creates in Media Arts?

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  • Students will ask critical questions that help them refine and complete artistic work.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. In your journal, list five (5) plausible/believable antagonist ("bad guy") motivations.
    3. Media Day
      1. Friday, November 16
  2. Chroma Key Video
    1. Resubmissions are due 10-28
    2. Projects earning a zero are not eligible for resubmission.
  3. "Spooky" Video
    1. Last project for Q1
    2. Not eligible for resubmission (Too close to end of Q1)
    3. Rubric
      ►25% Project has a "spooky" theme while still staying appropriate for school.
      ►25% Video has a talking, inanimate character. [Class Choice]
      ►25% Video has a "creepy" character. [Class Choice]
      ►25% Video ends on a cliffhanger. [Class Choice]
  4. After this, we will be working towards the 2019 Film Festival
    1. Midterm
    2. Showing is on January 23rd (Snow Day 1-31)
    3. Link to last year's categories
  5. Independent Work
    1. Homework/Journal checks
    2. Spooky Pre-Production
      1. This should be done by now.
    3. Spooky Production
      1. Rehearsal
      2. Record
    1. In your journal, storyboard out three DIFFERENT ways to show that time has passed. (Avoid the "Three hours later..." title card. It was overdone when Spongebob did it.)