- Rate your confidence level for this project from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Explain why you chose that number.
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- Students will ask themselves meaningful questions to refine & complete artistic work.
Today's Agenda
- Guided Instruction
- Warm-Up Review
- Homework Review
- Your finished project needs a beginning, middle, and end. Describe what each of these will look (or sound) like when you're done. (I will check this on Thursday along with tonight's homework.)
- We will be creating a rubric for our last project of the class on Thursday. List five (5) skills you have that you would be willing to show off for this project.
- Project 2: Coding
- Resubmissions are due by 10-13-2018.
- Projects that have earned a zero are not eligible for resubmission.
- Resubmissions are due by 10-13-2018.
- Project 3: Coding, Continued
- ► 25% Project includes bug-free code created by the student, rather than copy/pasted from other sources.
- ►25% Project contains a minimum of 25 lines of code. [Class Choice]
- ►25% Project includes a BEGINNING, MIDDLE, and END. [Class Choice]
- ►25% Project is either a 1:30- 3:00 minute song (Sonic-Pi), A 2-5 page webcomic (html) or an animation 0:30-1:00 TRT. [Class Choice]
- Project 4: Final Project
- Independent Work
- Homework & Journal Checks
- Project Production & Post-Production
- You should be wrapping up at this point.
- Make sure you have everything asked for in the rubric.
- Exporting images from Inkscape (Tutorial)
- You will also need to embed images in a web page or pages to hit the coding requirements.
- The image above may have some sample code that can aid you.
- For every link to another page or embedded image, you will need a file with the same name.
- Recording songs in Sonic-Pi (Tutorial)
- Animation
- Those of you who have chosen to make animations are using a program with which I am not familiar. Embedding your animation into a website (like the webcomic example) might be useful.
- Think about the rubric we made today. Write a rough description of what your final project for this class will look like.