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Media Arts, Smith, 10-02-2018


  • List 5 skills you have as a Media Arts major, then number them in order from MOST PROFICIENT to LEAST PROFICIENT.

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  • Students will apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. In your journal, list 5 ways to encourage suspension of disbelief.
    3. Media Day
      1. Foulois will be going again this year.
      2. We get to take 12 students.
        1. 6 from Ms. Jeter's class, 6 from this class.
      3. More information will be provided soon.
    4. Progress Report Grades
      1. Not what's currently in SchoolMax.
      2. Door Scene & Door Scene Critique WILL be in the Progress Report.
      3. Expect updated grades before Mr. Smith goes home tomorrow.
    5. Goals Video
      1. The window to resubmit this video has closed.
    6. Door Scene Video (DUE FRIDAY!)
      • Don't forget that CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is advice on how to make something BETTER.
  2. Chroma Key Video
    1. Rubric
      • ►25% Project uses Chroma Key to place the cast in a setting that helps move the plot forward.
      • ►25% Video has a TRT under 1 minute. [Class Choice]
      • ►25% Video contains more than one location. [Class Choice]
      • ►25% All shots in the video contain some Chroma Key. [Class Choice]
  3. Independent Work
    1. Homework checks
    2. Critiques
      1. You have 9 videos to watch/critique. It is possible to finish this in class.
    3. Chroma Key Pre-Production
      1. Script
      2. Storyboard
      3. Peer Critique / Teacher Critique
    1. Storyboard 3 significantly different transitions. (The scenes can be the same, it's the TRANSITIONS that are important.) 3 transitions where one scene slides in from the edge of the screen are not significantly different, no matter what the scenes are.)