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Media Arts, Smith, 9-20-2018


  • Look at your scores & criticisms for the Goals project. Which constructive criticism seemed the most helpful? Why?

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  • Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to transfer their Door Scenes from story hooks into storyboards.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. In your journal, draw three significantly different shots where the camera is NOT at eye level.
    3. Goals Video
      1. If you scored higher than a 0 (which all of you did...), you have until September 30 (10 days from today) to resubmit for a higher grade.
    4. Critiques
      1. First critique
        1. 9 completed projects,
          1 critique per project, including score, positive crit, & constructive crit,
          =9 point Assessment Grade
        2. Scores lower than 50% were set to 4.5 points (50% of 9 points).
        3. Spell Check is your friend.
          1. Art is about communication.
          2. The less care you put into the quality of your writing, the more barriers you put between you and your audience.
          3. Write like your RE/LA teacher is reading.
        4. Constructive Criticism
          1. Shared regardless of credit earned.
          2. GOOD: "The text might be easier to read with a darker background behind the bright text that you used."
            (Suggestion, identifies the problem without saying the work is bad.)
          3. GOOD: "To make this better..."
          4. NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: "Fix the colors."
            (Command, doesn't say HOW.)
          5. NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: "I didn't like..."
            (No statement of how to improve = NEGATIVE criticism.)
          6. NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: "I wouldn't change anything."
            (Saying it cannot be improved is NOT constructive.)
    5. Door Scene Video
      • Plot
        1. Character approaches a door.
        2. Character cannot open the door.
        3. Character manages to open the door.
        4. Character goes through the door.
      • Rubric
        • ►10% Follows Guidelines
        • ►10% Acting/Interviewing/Narration (as applicable)
        • ►10% Lighting - easy to see
        • ►10% Sound - audible & clear
        • ►10% Content/Plot (easy to understand/appropriate)
        • ►10% Cinematography (Camera angles/picture clarity)
        • ►10% Transitions/Effects/Editing
        • ►10% Use of Theme
        • ►10% Creativity/Originality
        • ►10% Other: Overall Quality/Effectiveness/Aesthetic
  2. Independent Work
    1. Homework checks
    2. Critiques
    3. Door Scene Pre-Production
      1. Script/Storyboard in Journal
    1. In your journal, come up with five (5) motivations for characters. (Ex: Avenging a friend or loved one, becoming the best at a particular skill, etc.)