- Look at your scores & criticisms for the Goals project. Which constructive criticism seemed the most helpful? Why?
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- Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to transfer their Door Scenes from story hooks into storyboards.
Today's Agenda
- Guided Instruction
- Warm-Up Review
- Homework Review
- In your journal, draw three significantly different shots where the camera is NOT at eye level.
- Goals Video
- If you scored higher than a 0 (which all of you did...), you have until September 30 (10 days from today) to resubmit for a higher grade.
- Critiques
- First critique
- 9 completed projects,
1 critique per project, including score, positive crit, & constructive crit,
=9 point Assessment Grade - Scores lower than 50% were set to 4.5 points (50% of 9 points).
- Spell Check is your friend.
- Art is about communication.
- The less care you put into the quality of your writing, the more barriers you put between you and your audience.
- Write like your RE/LA teacher is reading.
- Constructive Criticism
- Shared regardless of credit earned.
- GOOD: "The text might be easier to read with a darker background behind the bright text that you used."
(Suggestion, identifies the problem without saying the work is bad.) - GOOD: "To make this better..."
- NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: "Fix the colors."
(Command, doesn't say HOW.) - NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: "I didn't like..."
(No statement of how to improve = NEGATIVE criticism.) - NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: "I wouldn't change anything."
(Saying it cannot be improved is NOT constructive.)
- 9 completed projects,
- First critique
- Door Scene Video
- Plot
- Character approaches a door.
- Character cannot open the door.
- Character manages to open the door.
- Character goes through the door.
- Rubric
- ►10% Follows Guidelines
- ►10% Acting/Interviewing/Narration (as applicable)
- ►10% Lighting - easy to see
- ►10% Sound - audible & clear
- ►10% Content/Plot (easy to understand/appropriate)
- ►10% Cinematography (Camera angles/picture clarity)
- ►10% Transitions/Effects/Editing
- ►10% Use of Theme
- ►10% Creativity/Originality
- ►10% Other: Overall Quality/Effectiveness/Aesthetic
- Plot
- Independent Work
- Homework checks
- Critiques
- Door Scene Pre-Production
- Script/Storyboard in Journal
- In your journal, come up with five (5) motivations for characters. (Ex: Avenging a friend or loved one, becoming the best at a particular skill, etc.)