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Media Arts, Smith, 9-14-2018


  • What was the best part about this project, and why? What was the worst, and why?

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  • Students will refine & complete artistic work (Anchor Standard 3) to demonstrate skills and information that have been learned.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. In your journal, draw 3 Medium Shots that have different uses. (Ex: Character is "breaking the 4th wall" and talking directly to the viewer to provide information.)
    3. Goals Video (Due Today!)
      • ► 25% Video informs the viewer of the student's goals for this year in a way that is NOT just "talking heads."
      • ►25% Video is one continuous, unedited shot, but still has a title and credits.
      • ►25% Video includes some form of dancing. [Class Choice]
      • ►25% Video is between 1 and 3 minutes TRT. [Class Choice]
    4. Door Scene Video
      • Plot
        1. Character approaches a door.
        2. Character cannot open the door.
        3. Character manages to open the door.
        4. Character goes through the door.
      • Rubric
        • ►10% Follows Guidelines
        • ►10% Acting/Interviewing/Narration (as applicable)
        • ►10% Lighting - easy to see
        • ►10% Sound - audible & clear
        • ►10% Content/Plot (easy to understand/appropriate)
        • ►10% Cinematography (Camera angles/picture clarity)
        • ►10% Transitions/Effects/Editing
        • ►10% Use of Theme
        • ►10% Creativity/Originality
        • ►10% Other: Overall Quality/Effectiveness/Aesthetic
  2. Independent Work
    1. Journal & Homework checks
    2. Goals Video Production
      1. Upload to Google Classroom when finished.
    3. Door Scene Pre-Production
      1. Script/Storyboard in Journal
    1. In your journal, brainstorm 10 ORIGINAL story hooks that you could use in a future video. (Unoriginal Examples: Orphan goes to wizard school, Boy gets super powers after spider bite)