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Media Arts, Smith, 9-6-2018


  1. How can you provide information in a video without having it consist of the cast talking directly to the camera ("talking heads")?

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Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. Bring a journal to class.
    3. Goals Video Rubric Creation
      1. ► 25% Video informs the viewer of the student's goals for this year in a way that is NOT just "talking heads."
      2. ►25% Video is one continuous, unedited shot, but still has a title and credits.
      3. ►25% Video includes some form of dancing. [Class Choice]
      4. ►25% Video is between 1 and 3 minutes TRT. [Class Choice]
    4. Storyboarding Review
    5. Introduction to the new Google Classroom
  2. Independent Work
    1. AUP Quiz
      1. Revise answers until you earn an A.
    2. Goals Video Pre-Production
      1. Brainstorming Questions (Journal, time permitting)
        1. What are you interested in?
        2. What do you love to do?
        3. When do you feel the most successful?
        4. What comes easily to you?
        5. What do you want to learn more about?
        6. How do you like to learn and work with others?
      2. Scriptwriting (Journal)
      3. Storyboarding (Journal)
    1. In your journal, draw 3 Long Shots that have different uses. (Ex: One use would be to establish the setting.)