- How can you provide information in a video without having it consist of the cast talking directly to the camera ("talking heads")?
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Today's Agenda
- Guided Instruction
- Warm-Up Review
- Homework Review
- Bring a journal to class.
- Goals Video Rubric Creation
- ► 25% Video informs the viewer of the student's goals for this year in a way that is NOT just "talking heads."
- ►25% Video is one continuous, unedited shot, but still has a title and credits.
- ►25% Video includes some form of dancing. [Class Choice]
- ►25% Video is between 1 and 3 minutes TRT. [Class Choice]
- Storyboarding Review
- Introduction to the new Google Classroom
- Independent Work
- AUP Quiz
- Revise answers until you earn an A.
- Goals Video Pre-Production
- Brainstorming Questions (Journal, time permitting)
- What are you interested in?
- What do you love to do?
- When do you feel the most successful?
- What comes easily to you?
- What do you want to learn more about?
- How do you like to learn and work with others?
- Scriptwriting (Journal)
- Storyboarding (Journal)
- Brainstorming Questions (Journal, time permitting)
- AUP Quiz
- In your journal, draw 3 Long Shots that have different uses. (Ex: One use would be to establish the setting.)