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Media Arts, May 16, 2018


Critiquing the work of others is a large portion of the Media Arts curriculum for the State of Maryland. How should we run critiques so that they are meaningful to you?

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up (See above)
  2. Due to the performances scheduled for this week, Tuesday & Thursday are likely to be "all major days." Plan accordingly so you aren't wasting time in here.
  3. Critiques
    1. We cannot scrap critiques entirely. Art without criticism is empty and meaningless. (Even if it wasn't part of the official curriculum.)
    2. We CAN, however, change how we do critiques.
    3. True discussion needs your participation. We are at this stage because too many of you have stopped participating. Take ownership of the critique process or it will be owned by others.
  4. With the rubrics for two homework assignments and two projects now finalized, everyone here has something to do that isn't YouTube.
  5.  Assignments
    1. Project: Goodbye, due May 18th.
        1. Student Rubric:
          ► Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
          ► Video includes NO people in front of the camera.
          ► Video includes a goodbye for the 2017-2018 School Year.
          ► Video includes things you don't do in school with your friends.
    2. Project: Investigative Talk Show, due June 1st.
      1. Student Rubric:
        ► Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
        ► Video is between 2 and 5 minutes Total Run Time (TRT).
        ► Video is in the format of a talk show.
        ► Video has an investigative storyline.
    3. Homework: Due Friday, May 18th.
      1. Student Rubric:
        ► Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
        ► A character in the video sees something that isn't there.
        ► At least part of the video's focus is on shoes.
        ► At least part of the video is on how your month has been.
    4. Homework: Due Friday, May 25th.
      1. Student Rubric:
        ► Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
        ► Video has a conversation between two people.
        ► One of the characters is "eating everything."
        ► Video contains "facts about you."
    5. Students claiming they have nothing to do will be asked to show completed storyboards and/or brainstormed lists of things to photograph.
      1. Students who insist on off-task behaviors may have their parents contacted. This text counts as your warning.