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Media Arts, April 26, 2018


  1. Have you voted on next week's homework rubric yet?

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up (See above)
  2. Last Day of School
    1. Now officially Wednesday, June 20th.
      1. This adds up to 180 school days.
      2. These are not EXTRA days. These are days you missed and need to make up.
      3. 55 days remaining (including weekends & Memorial Day).
      4. 20 A days remaining (including today).
      5. 131 days until the first day of the 2018-2019 School Year.
  3.  Assignments
    1. Critiques
      1. Currently being graded.
      2. My hope is to finish them today. Friday at the latest.
    2. Homework: Due Friday, April 27th.
      1. Student Rubric:
        ► Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
        ► Video includes a tutorial.
        ► Video includes friend appreciation.
        ► Video includes something you would never say to your parents. (Keep it SCHOOL APPROPRIATE!)
    3. Project: Summer Plans, due May 4th.
        1. Student Rubric:
          ►Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
          ► Video includes at least 3 characters.
          ► Video involves summer plans.
          ► Video includes a student made title card. (Inkscape is suggested.)
    4. Homework: Due Friday, May 4th.
      1. Student Rubric:
        ► Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
        ► Challenge
        ► Includes voice-over
        ► Includes dancing
    5. Students claiming they have nothing to do will be asked to show completed storyboards and/or brainstormed lists of things to photograph.
      1. Students who insist on off-task behaviors may have their parents contacted. This text counts as your warning.