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Media Arts, 03-29-2018

Warm-Up: Welcome to 4th Quarter! We need suggestions for our next project and next week's homework. Remember that things we've included on previous rubrics do not count.

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up (See above)
  2. 3rd Quarter Report Card Grades
    1. Final grades for Media Arts are published.
    2. All subsequent assignments (inc. current homework & photography projects) will count for 4th Quarter.
  3.  Assignments
      1. You may vote once per day per category.
      2. You are encouraged to share this link with friends and relatives.
    2. Homework: Due TODAY!
      1. ► Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
        ► Video includes a shot that emphasizes one thing over all others.
        ► Entire video (including title & credits) has a sense of unity.
        ► Video includes a visual rhythm.
    3. Homework: Due Friday, April 13th.
      1. ► Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.

    4. Project: Photography, due TODAY!
        1. Student Rubric:
          ►The number, quality, & display method of photos reflect two weeks' worth of work by a Media Arts Major.
          ►Photos include your favorite things.
          ►Photos include things that make you angry.
          ►Photos include someone doing something cool.
    5. Project: Photography, due April 20th.
        1. Student Rubric:
          ►Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.

    6. Students claiming they have nothing to do will be asked to show completed storyboards and/or brainstormed lists of things to photograph.
      1. Students who insist on off-task behaviors may have their parents contacted. This text counts as your warning.