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Media Arts, 03-19-2018


  1. Read through the Elements of Art & Principles of Design handouts provided in this link.
    1. Which of these things do you see in the images below? (Click each image for a larger view.)
    2. Which of the terms in the handouts are most confusing to you? (Your answers will not be shown to the class.)

A. B. C.

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up (See above)
  2. Critiques
    1. You earn 1 point for each completed critique.
    2. You do not earn any points for marking a video "No Video."
      1. If they haven't posted that they skipped the assignment, go back and check to see if they handed it in while you were critiquing other videos.
    3. If you critique a video that was never handed in, you LOSE a point in addition to not earning one.
      1. Academic dishonesty is not rewarded in this classroom.
  3.  Assignments
      1. You may vote once per day per category.
      2. You are encouraged to share this link with friends and relatives.
    2. Homework: Due Friday, 03-23-2018
      1. ► Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
        ►Video is silent.
        ►Video is over 30 seconds.
        ►Video includes food.
    3. Project: Photography, due 3-29-2018
        1. Student Rubric:
          ►The number, quality, & display method of photos reflect two weeks' worth of work by a Media Arts Major.
          ►Photos include your favorite things.
          ►Photos include things that make you angry.
          ►Photos include someone doing something cool.
  4. Students claiming they have nothing to do will be asked to show completed storyboards and/or brainstormed lists of things to photograph.
    1. Students who insist on off-task behaviors may have their parents contacted. This text counts as your warning.