- Suggest line items for your next project grade. The project should be expected to take 2 weeks to complete.
- Suggest line items for your homework assignment for the week ending on 3-23-2018.
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Today's Agenda
- Warm-Up (See above)
- Assignments
- Homework: Due Friday, 03-16-2018
- ► Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
► Main character is energetic.
► Video is under 1 minute.
► Video involves gaming.* - *"Gaming" in this case involves any type of school appropriate game, including but not limited to video games (no guns!), sports, card, and/or board games.
- ► Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
- Project: Superhero Commercial, due 3-16-2018
- Student Rubric:
►Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
► Video is a commercial for a product the student has invented.
► Video includes an original superhero.
► Video includes a special effect.
- Student Rubric:
- The next project will be due the day before Spring Break and it will be your first project grade for 4th Quarter. We will create the rubric for it this week.
- Homework: Due Friday, 03-16-2018
- Students claiming they have nothing to do will be asked to show completed storyboards for the homework & project assignments.
- Students who insist on off-task behaviors may have their parents contacted. This text counts as your warning.