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Media Arts, 01-24-2018

Warm-Up: Check out Soundsation. DO NOT MAKE AN ACCOUNT. List features and limitations for this website's free content. Answer this question in Google Classroom.

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up (See above)
  2. ELO
    1. Every Thursday
    2. If you attend, make sure you have a ride AND be prepared to work on Media Arts assignments.
  3. 8th Grade: Suitland Auditions
    1. Recommendation forms due January 26th
      1. If you want me to fill one out for you, you need to let me know ASAP. I am NOT responsible if you wait until the last minute to ask.
    2. Audition Workshop
      1. Thursday January 25th.
  4. Film Festival
    1. January 24th
    2. Start time is 7pm
      1. This is standard for all performances.
      2. Show up BEFORE 7 or you will miss things that affect your grade.
      3. Leave early and you will miss things that affect your grade.
    3. You WILL be expected to assess student work during the show.
      1. Everyone attending will have this opportunity, but Media Arts Majors will use a different form as your work will be graded.
  5.  Assignments
    1. Film Festival, January 24th (Midterm)
    2.  Homework
      1. Due 01-26-2018
      2. This will be your first homework grade for 3rd Quarter.
        1. ►Audio/Video/Pacing Quality reflects the student's time as a Media Arts Major.
          ►Video contains B-Roll clips.
          ►Video includes title & credits.
          ►Video explains steps taken, problems encountered, and how constructive criticism was used.
    3. Work Time
      1. Soundation
        1. Rubric Creation
        2. Project Creation