Warm-Up: What do the changes to YouTube's advertising requirements (2nd paragraph in this article) mean for smaller YouTube channels? Answer this question in Google Classroom.
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Today's Agenda
- Warm-Up (See above)
- Every Thursday
- If you attend, make sure you have a ride AND be prepared to work on Media Arts assignments.
- 8th Grade: Suitland Recommendations
- Due January 26th
- If you want me to fill one out for you, you need to let me know ASAP. I am NOT responsible if you wait until the last minute to ask.
- Film Festival
January 24th
- Start time is 7pm
- This is standard for all performances.
- Show up BEFORE 7 or you will miss things that affect your grade.
- Leave early and you will miss things that affect your grade.
- You WILL be expected to assess student work during the show.
- Everyone attending will have this opportunity, but Media Arts Majors will use a different form as your work will be graded.
- Assignments
- Film Festival, January 24th (Midterm)
- Your Final Cut for the festival is due TOMORROW, Friday, 1/19.
- You have all made Google Forms to collect your own criticism.
- YOU will be grading the criticism that is submitted based on how helpful it is to you.
- 15 points for grading responses to your form.
- 1 point per graded response, regardless of the grade given.
- Give a single point if you think the criticism given was helpful to you. Give zero points if you think the criticism was NOT specific enough to be helpful.
- Do not submit your sheet until you are done grading.
- I've provided a checklist form to help you keep track of which videos you've critiqued.
- This isn't something that will be graded, but I thought it might be helpful for you.
- Last week many of you rushed through your critiques and/or waited until someone else had critiqued your video first. Your scores reflect this.
- 15 points for submitting responses on other forms.
- 1 point per graded response. Your response has to pass (see above) for it to count.
- 15 points for grading responses to your form.
- YOU will be grading the criticism that is submitted based on how helpful it is to you.
- The point value has increased because the need for good, constructive feedback has increased.
- You have all made Google Forms to collect your own criticism.
- Homework
- Due 01-19-2018
- LOOK AT YOUR ROUGH CUT CRITICISM! It can help you make this last video better.
- Whatever video you hand in this Friday is your entry for the Film Festival. It will be graded using THIS RUBRIC and count as this year's Midterm. If you have been on task you have been working towards this for the entire Quarter or longer. Good luck.
- Work Time
- Homework Criticism
- There are many videos to watch, allowing for several points of extra credit if you provide helpful critiques to everyone.
- This is the home stretch. Slacking off is not suggested.
- If (AND ONLY IF) you are done with everything you can do in class, I need title cards for each video. They need to include the following things:
- 1280x720 PNG image
- Movie Name
- Director's Name
- Director's Grade Level (6th, 7th, or 8th)
- Film Festival Category
- Text should NOT go all the way to the edge. I will be adding something to the border.
- Homework Criticism